34: to my love

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Averil's pov
I looked out the window with a frown, it was getting colder and the trees were losing their leaves, that means it would be harder to continue planting.

I pulled the soft halloween themed blanket  that was on the couch around me and sighed.

Fall always made my mood worse, it reminded me of when my mom and dad died. That memory still bothers me.

Malachai joined me on the couch and looked out the window with me.

"Hey beautiful." His hands caressed my back side softly before he kissed my neck making me  let out a small chuckle.

"That tickles." I look back at him and he smirks.

Malachai pulls me into his lap, hugging me. His touch was filled with want.. I pulled back from the hug and looked him in his eyes.

He looked at me with love?? Was it love.

"Hey, do you love me?" I asked rather quickly and inappropriately. My eyes widened and I tried to get out of his lap and attempt to hide somewhere but his grip tightened, trapping me in his embrace.

"Stop it. Don't run."

My heart was beating out of my chest and I felt like if I didn't get away I was definitely going to puke.

"I-I didn't mean to say tha-"

"I can't even explain it." He sighed

My heart dropped and I looked at my lap, my hands started to shake.

"Love happens very quickly and it happened extremely quickly with you.. time stops, its.. you make me nervous.. sometimes I remember I'm literally dating you and next thing it feels like I'm a teenager boy asking their date to prom... every time I touch you my heart speeds up and its hard to breathe.."

I didn't realize but their were tears going down my face, I looked up at him and his eyes held tears of their own.

I put my hands on top of his and squeezed them.

"Shit, I thought I was the only one.. you do make us fucking nervous." Cassius came walking in and so did Owen.

"Every time our skin touch I start heating up immediately Its like im nervous and I have to pee.." Owen says in a rather embarrassed tone.

My sniffle turn into a snort and before you know it I'm laughing.

They Look at me almost shocked.

"See now that's embarrassing, oh my goodness." Cassius hid his face in his hands trying not to laugh.

"Whattt its kinda cute." I protested.

"He was talking about pissing, averil." Malachai chuckled.

Owen grumbles. "Shut up!"

"Okay pissy baby!" Cassius breaks out into full laughter.

"Fuck you!" Owen grumbled pasting out of the living area almost falling.

"Just did! And came in you!!"

"Shut up!"
"Then they said they loved me!" I shrieked jumping up and down while clapping. 

Kim and me were both at a cafe just enjoying each other company. We both had so much to talk about.

Kimberly had a boyfriend and I of course had to tell her about my amazing men.

"Were going to the beach in like two months!" I smiled clapping my hands in excitement.

"The mountains sound better.. I mean it is getting cold." I took what she said and thought about it.

"Shit.. you're right.." I bit my lip and looked at the weather outside.

"I've never been to the mountains, I think that sounds really fun!" I gasped and went to text my mates immediately.

"We could get a cabin too!"

"Well for my holiday, I'm going to parks and museums.. Kinidy is obsessed with them." Kimberly sighed and I chuckled.

"But we're definitely coming with you guys!" She added in.

"Are you excited to have a pup of your own?" The question made me choke on my drink.

"Well no, yes yes I am but no I would not be fit for it id be a horrible dad in the end I have no experience.." I stuttered over my words and waved my hands around frantically.

She sighed and put her drink down. "Why are you always so quick to doubt your abilities?" She rubbed my arm in a comforting manner.

I looked back at the window and shrugged.

"I don't know, it's like a habit.. not even.. I just think I do things in the worse way possible." I replied weakly, voice obviously not confident.

"You see those leaves that are falling?" She asks

I nodded looking at the different colored leaves.

"If someone were to step on them they would immediately crumble and probably break."

"Yea..?" I looked at her confused, what was she getting at?

"The person who likes the the sound of the leaf making that noise steps on it it over and over until it no longer makes that sound again, and when its not amusing anymore they find another leaf to step on. Leaving the other leaf damaged."

"Kim you're confusing me." I tilt my head giving her a raised eyebrow look.

"You're the leaf, dane is the person."

I stop breathing for a second.

"Do not say you're not the leaf cause I'm the tree and I have seen it all.." her voice shook.

"Kim.." My voice started to shake with hers.

"Don't say you're not damage or you're over it cause look at you, you're not even basking in all the abilities and talents you posses because you're still the leaf, you're not a nice spring leaf you're a fall leaf.. and its not okay. I fee guilty for never calling the cops on him.. I knew if I did you would lose everything to his name."

She cried softly, her hands were on top of mines.

Why was I quiet? Why want I saying anything in this moment?

"At least I had my tree beside me, who always checked on me.. my tree is amazing." I grinned at her.

She cried harder and that just made me hug her.

"I love my tree." I whisper kissing her head.

"And I love my leaf."

We both laughed.

"I think you would be an amazing father by the way."

"Why thank you."

Im literally an non-romantic person writing romantic books..😣

btw, imperfectionate is coming to an end :(

btw, imperfectionate is coming to an end :(

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