33: Snatched a fox.. nah a wolf.

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Cassius pov
I loved my Averil, I love how transparent he was with his emotions.. I love that he could show them.

I watched him and Bailey play in the garden, Bailey had a worm in her hands, chasing Averil with it.

I cant lie and say the sight was absolutely adorable. Averil just screaming while laughing and Bailey letting out little giggles.

There was also things I don't like about Averil.. well more so things I don't like that he does.

I hate it when he insults himself or when he treats himself less than, he doesn't understand how much he means to us and its truly annoying. I wish could comfort him like how Owen and Malachai did but I never had much of a support system in my life.

Truly enough.

Malachai came out with a pan and placed it on our outside dining table with Owen at his side with a pot of stew.

"Wanna help Cassy?" Owen teased knowing I hate helping with cooking, I sucked badly at it but somehow made food edible.

Malachai chuckled and ruffled my hair. "Leave him alone babe, Averil! Bailey! Lets go ahead and clean up so we can eat dinner."

My mate called out with authority.

Malachai sniffed the air and frowned. "Guys, do you smell that?"

There was a low growl in the bushes and Bailey was too close and a fox pounced on her. My heart dropped and I froze before dashing over.

"BAILEY!" Owen screamed out dashing over to the trees.

But our mate was way quicker than us.

Averil quickly shifted and bit the small creature in its neck with his sharp teeth, snarling rather loudly. The fox struggled for a second then immediately went limp in his mouth, blood dripped from Averils Canines and he threw the fox into the bushes.

Bailey ran over to the beautiful white wolf and hugged him. He nuzzled against her and stood in front of her protectively.

We all froze and looked at Averil in shock.

I don't think he realized what he did because he just licked his paws and his snout trying to get the blood off of him.

My brave mate..

"Woah." Owen whispers. I look to my side to see Malachai just shocked, usually he would have a lot to say but he surprisingly doesn't.

Our baby wolf looked to the side seeing us just staring at him.

His ears goes back and he looks down before letting out a whimper. "Cmere pup, you did so well." I kneeled down with my hand out.

My other two mates did the same trying not to scare the wolf.

He trotted over with Bailey at his side. "Papa protected me daddy!" She giggled and clapped her hands.

Owen snatched Bailey up and hugged her, Malachai smiled at the omega knowing how much more protective he was over her.

"Yes he did baby girl." Owen was teary eyed.

I looked at Averil, he was being rubbed down by Malachai.

Averil's pov.
It was another day and me and Owen were in the back yard, in the sun room doing something we weren't supposed to be doing.

"Cmon you can do better than that sweetie." Owen had me in his lap as I bounced on his cock. His length was hitting me in all the right places.

My back arched when he thrusted in me. "So-so good oh.. oh my goodness."

He smacked my ass then added another finger in making me let out a cracked moan. "Ah, so you can stretch more? He chuckled darkly continuously thrusting into me.

I lost my balance and fell onto his shoulder.

I stay like that, drooling all over as he fuck me.

"I-im close.." I whined curling my toes looking for a point of release.

I go to cum but I can't my heart drops and I cry out "please.."

Owen hand continued to cover my dick. "I don't think so.. You'll have to beg."

I panted heavily, our body stuck together covered in Owens cum from our past rounds and sweat.

"B-but I haven't been able to c-cum its been an hour." I sobbed.

Owen cooed sarcastically before he pumped into me with more force than before, adding another finger at it.

My heart dropped but I felt excitement coursing through my veins.. what was this?

"But you're being such a good boy for me? Can't you hold on longer sweetie?" He patted my face.

"Y-yes I can jshush fah you.." my words slurred.

He praised me and kissed my forehead. The need to cum went down but I was still painfully hard.

His hands trailed up and down my body until they reached my nipples he twisted the buds and licked around them before squeezing my chest.

I tried to get away from the unbelievable feeling of pleasure but he pinned me down and slapped my thigh.

"I'm not quite done yet." Owen growled.


"So how was work? For you guys?" Owen smiled.

I cut my steak all tensed.

My ass hurts..

"It was pretty nice, Im supposed to be going to Spain for a movie next year.. it's a horror movie." Malachai spoke.

I gasped.

"Thats so nice, you're bringing us right?" I wiggled my eyebrows.

"He better." Cassius gave Malachai a playful glare as he drank his blood wine.

"What about you Cass?" I tilted my head taking a bite of my food.

He looked at mr and shrugged. "Training was like usual.. I had a fan meet today in the city and I had to go to a fashion show I was invited to.."

Being famous sounds so busy.. and annoying.

"Well what did you guys do?" Malachai raised his eyebrows.

Owen smirked and he took a sip of his wine.

"We fucked in the back yard."

When he said that my eyes widened and I choked off of my food, it wasn't a lie but oh my goodness did he have to be so honest??

Cassius pouts and Malachai looked at me with a teasing smile.

My face was burning in absolute embarrassment.

"He kept crying guys, it was adorable." Owen hummed.

"I-I was not!"

"You are notorious for crying whenever we have sex, pup." Cassius winks at me.

"You guys are embarrassing" I sighed.

Atleast the sun room is pretty.

—Atleast the sun room is pretty

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