35: Oh so you wanna tussle??

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Slight Mature

Owen's pov.
I watched Averil run around with Bailey around the park, the other omegas looked at him weirdly as if playing with your child was weird.

His giggles filled the ears of many.

"He's so fucking perfect." Cassius whines. I smile silently agreeing as I ran my hands through his hair.

Cassius head shifted on my lap until he was looking at me. "Let's get him pregnant." His eyes shifted to a ruby red before turning back.

I rolled my eyes at him. "That's what we've been trying to do Cassy."

"Two hot chocolates and a frappe for my three amazing mates." Malachai came up to us with our drinks in his hands.

I pecked him on his cheek and took the two hot chocolates from the cup holder.

"Averil! The hot chocolate is here!" I called him out making him stop in his tracks, tripping over someone.

Averil's pov
I bumped into an omega on the way running to my mates. I got up and apologized quickly bowing my head in respect. I looked around for Bailey but once I saw her with her Dads I smiled and made my way to them.

Until a hand grabbed my wrist and I was yanked back. I let out a low whine at the harsh grip and looked up at the person who grabbed me.. it was the same Omega I bumped into.

"It's you.. the same fucking Omega that was with Dane.. you fucking ruined it for me and him yknow that?" She snarled pushing me roughly making me stumble back and fall on the rough ground.

I froze.

What was I supposed to do in this situation? Do I run? Fight back.. I can't look weak in front of my mates and Bailey.

"W-what do you mean.." my eyes trailed to her face slowly, I remained on the ground clutching the grass tightly.

"We were dating in college and he broke up with me a few months ago because of you!" She stomped towards me.

I crawled back slowly trying to process the information given to me..

"You fucki-!"

The lady was tackled by Owen as he threw punches at her face back to back.

I looked around in the hospital room, it was a bland grey, very sad obviously.. I hummed kicking my feet back and forth as a nurse wrapped my left hand that got scratched rather horribly from my fall.

Owen was biting his nails nervously as he sat besides me, he realized he lost control but didn't want to admit it at all.

"Owen you didn't have to punch her that hard.." I mumbled lowly looking at his bruised knuckles.

"Yes I did hone-"

Cassius and Malachai came into the mini room making the nurse scurry out in fear.  "You're not going to jail Owen, so stop panicking." Malachai says kissing the Omega's forehead beside me then mines.

"How are you doing sweetheart? You were so brave for going through that." He ran his hands down my arms.

"So fucking Brave." Cassius kisses me on the lips. I lean into the kiss and he pulls back quickly.

"Not in a hospital." He boops my nose.

He usually doesn't care.. why is he being so cautious?

I roll my eyes earning a small pinch on my side.

"How come I'm not in trouble?" Owen sighs running his hands through his hair.

"We will talk about it when we get home, okay?" Owen sighed but nodded.

"I think we should get ready for our trip" I smiled

"T-this isn't getting ready.." I whimpered closing my legs only for them to be forced open right back up.

Cassius tilted his head. "What do you mean? You look adorable in my sweater." He says voice muffled against my entrance as his tongue lapped against the pink flesh.

I held onto the poles that held the hangers of our walkthrough closet.

My legs shook aggressively and my hands started to do the same. "I- I have to cum.." I squeezed my eyes tightly and before I got his approval I was on the floor cumming on myself.

Cassius cooed and scooped me right back up. "I want you to try on the pink sweater Malachai got for you."

"C-cassy please.." I whined clutching onto his shirt that fitted perfectly around his torso.

"I know I know.. I'm going to fuck you so good but we need to get ready for our trip.. we haven't packed a single bag yet!" He teased me talking to me like I was a dumb dog.

I bit my lips trying to stop myself from crying. Yes crying about dick.. I know! Pathetic.

"Cassius why are you bullying the poor thing..?" Malachai walks in with a suitcase in his hands.

Malachai cups my face and rubs our noses together. "You think you can fit the two of us again, beautiful?"

Owen's pov.
I talked with Kim on the phone, yes me and the elf have became closer to each other, we often called to give each other advice about our art, she was a writer and me obviously an artist.

I was talking to her about what happened earlier today, Averil was obviously still in distress after the whole incident so Cassius and Malachai were both taking care of calming him down, making love then talking about it during aftercare was the technique.

"Sooo why didn't you get arrested?
The lady looked like she could sue you in 2.5 seconds." Kim chuckled looking at the photo I sent of the woman mugshot.

"The police said because I was defending a pregnant omega.." I whispered in the phone, my heart speeding up as I told her the big secret.

"Woah.." she whispered in the phone shuffling was heard in the background.

"Yes.. I know Averil's fucking pregnant." I took in a deep breath.

"We were just talking about him being a father, he was so unsure and doubting his abilities of being a good parent since he never really had any himself.."

Fuck. My poor baby.

"He's in good hands.. I hope he knows that." I say as I cut cucumbers for a certain pregnant wolfie.

"Wait how did you find out?" She asked.

"Malachai was being overprotective and paranoid and made him get a whole check up after everything went down and he had to pee in a cup."

"Wait does he know he's pregnant..?"

I stayed quiet at her question.

"He doesn't know? What the hell Owen!" She hissed in the phone.

"I know.. I feel horrible for not telling him already."

She chuckled.

"This whole situation is weird mostly its the pregnant person saying their pregnant but.. its you guys telling him he's pregnant.."

"Wait why didn't the nurse tell him he wa-"

"Cassius scared her away." I chuckled softly

Gasp.. GASPPPPP***


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