사십: The Beach

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The sextuplets' 6th birthday came and went quietly. There wasn't much of a party. Hoseok's new medicine made it so that Namjoon couldn't afford anything fun. He spent the last of his money on some proper birthday presents, which the sextuplets loved, and a huge cake for them all to share, but he knew they were disappointed.

They had started Year 2 at school, and seemed to be getting on better with their new teacher, Mr. Lee. He was an older gentleman, close to retirement, who was very gentle with the kids, but smart in his teaching so that nothing was left uncovered. The boys were thriving in their lessons, though Jungkook was struggling going through the gates each morning.

Namjoon hadn't breathed a word about Hoseok's hospital trip, or his new medicines, or how he was on high alert to how Hoseok was going to react to his new meds. It had been over 2 months, and Hoseok was yet to have another seizure, but that didn't mean it was impossible. He dreaded the worst at every possible moment.

It didn't really matter, though. The sextuplets had remembered how Hoseok was after his first seizure, and they knew immediately as soon as Namjoon came back with him draped in his arms. Becky had tried her hardest to create some story of Hoseok's squirrel needing repairing, but they were too clever. They had seen straight through it.

Namjoon had braced himself for the worst. He waited for Taehyung to start screaming at everyone again, Jungkook to have a meltdown at the littlest of things, Yoongi to cry at the drop of the hat, Seokjin to refuse to hear and sulk in the corner. Things weren't perfect - the boys avoided him a little, except for Jimin, who cuddled up to anyone who was in arm's reach; and didn't involve him in many games for a few weeks. But when they realised Hoseok wasn't causing major issues, and Hoseok livened back up, he was accepted back into the group, and things have slowly eased.

Namjoon wished he could ease his mind, but he wasn't young and impressionable about these things. His only reference was Jimin, who used to have multiple seizures a day. Obviously, he knew things wouldn't be that bad with Hoseok, since he didn't have Lennox Gastaut, but that didn't make things any easier.

He had to find a way to calm down. To relax. He needed a break from the stress everyday life brought him. He had some holiday time from work, but it's not like he could afford to go away, and staying in the house all day wouldn't bring him any more joy than it already did, work or no work. He also wanted to make up for the sextuplets' lost party. He wished he had the money to invite all their friends around at least for a tea party, but that was a lot of friends, and a lot of food. Not even that was surmountable.

He needed to stop before his body forced him to.


His prayers were answered by his grandmother. In the usual chunk of dreadful mail that Taehyung dumped on his lap in the morning, was a handwritten note from his nan. He hadn't spoken to her since the babies were born; he didn't have any time. His heart went cold in his chest when he saw it, fearing the worst. Was she okay? Was his granddad okay?

He dropped the bills onto the sofa and tore the envelope open, accidentally ripping the letter in his haste. The sextuplets watched him curiously, sensing his alarm. Everything was quiet as Namjoon skimmed the letter, letting go of a breath he didn't even know he was holding.

'Dearest Namjoon,

It's been so long, my aegi. I hope all is well with you and your babies. I hope you'll be inviting us over soon to see our great grandsons!

Your granddad and I have decided it's been too long since we went away for a holiday. We've decided to head for Japan for two weeks. I'd love for you to come with us, but I appreciate how expensive it would be for your babies, and they might not like the plane! How old are they now, two? Three?

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