"I'll never leave you..." - Heejay

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Heeseung knew something was up with Jay. He just didn't know what. The American boy had been taking him everywhere he wanted to go, letting him buy anything he wanted, and didn't leave his side. During all these fun activities, Jay's mouth and words may have shown happiness, but his eyes were dull. Heeseung had been trying to get it out of him, but Jay insisted nothing was wrong, and told him to just enjoy the pampering.

This day was a day just like those. Heeseung had mentioned cat cafes the previous night, so Jay took him to one that day. Heeseung alternated between sipping his strawberry milkshake and rolling around on the floor with the cats. Jay looked at him fondly, taking polaroids of him.

"Ah ah ah! No you don't! That milkshake is mine, not yours you naughty little kitten! You're so cute, how I wish I could keep you!" Heeseung said, playing with the cats.

"Personally, you're cuter than these cats," Jay told him, "And you said how you wish you could keep them? Should we go get a cat for you to be with at our apartment after this?"

"Oh my god, yes!"

"I'll do anything for you, you already know that, Hee."

"Jay-ah. Answer me please, just once. Why are you doing these things for me? What's wrong? Are you sick? Just tell me and I can help."

"Nothing's wrong. I'm not sick. I just realized we've done so few things as a couple, I want to make up for it, so just enjoy."

"Alright, if you say so," Heeseung said, still not completely convinced but leaving the subject alone, "Can we go get ice cream and then go get a kitten?"

"Sure baby, let's go."

They left the cat cafe, walking to this really good ice cream store in a nearby park. On the way they saw street dancers, and Heeseung convinced Jay to stop so they could watch.

"So cool! Yeonjun Hyung does this! He's in New York at the moment though," Heeseung told his boyfriend.

"Sure. Whatever you say, love."

After a little bit, they continued towards the park.

"Alright, what flavor do you want?" Jay asked Heeseung.

"One scoop chocolate, one scoop vanilla."

"So basic. Sure you don't want any mint choco?" Jay teased, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Ew no!"

"Haha alright."

Jay walked up to order, "May I please have chocolate and vanilla for the tall man over there, and mango sorbet for me?"

"Sure that'll be 5$, please."

"Here you go. Thank you!"

"You're welcome, enjoy!"

"Alright, here," Jay said, handing Heeseung his ice cream.

They sat on a bench, talking and talking and laughing over tiktoks together while eating their ice creams.

When they finished, they went to the adoption centre, to file to adopt a cat. They filled out some forms and handed them to a lady at a desk, who took them to see all the cats they had. There were lots of cats, from brand new kittens to senior cats in their final few years. There were white ones, orange ones, brown ones, black ones, grey ones. There were poofy ones and hairless ones. Out of all these cats, one in particular stood out to Heeseung. A completely brown cat, with mismatched eyes (left blue, right yellow), one ear slightly folded and a chip missing from the not folded ear.

"Jay-ah, look at this one! Can I have this one, please?" Heeseung begged Jay, crouching down to the cat's kennel, reaching his finger inside, and cooing when the cat came up and rubbed itself against his finger.

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