Big Reveal - Jakehoon

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"Don't worry Jakey, we'll be alright, I promise," Sunghoon reassured his very nervous boyfriend, who paced up and down.

"We could not have possibly chosen a worse time!! Someone's parents could be here! Worse, Bang PD or some other celebrity! What will they think of us??" Jake panicked.

"Baby, look at me. We'll be okay. If the reactions aren't positive enough, we'll run off to Italy as models for Prada. Or New York as ambassadors for Tiffany and Co."

Sunghoon brought his boyfriend into a backhug. Jake relaxed slightly, the former's touch calming him slightly.

"You feeling better now, Ikeu?"

"Little bit. But still, there's so much that could go wrong! Maybe we shouldn't do this after all, Hoon."

"I know, Ikeu, I know. It's genuinely terrifying, I know. I'm scared too, but you know what I think about to make myself stay calm?"

"What'dya think about?"

"All the things that will happen if it goes right. Our fans will be happy and surprised, our members will be proud and we won't have to hide. How does that sound?"

"That sounds nice. It sounds like something I'd be glad for."

"I know you would, Ikeu. That's why I ask you extremely politely, please for the love of God go sit down in that damn hair and makeup chair so Yena can do your hair and makeup."

"No. You won't be hugging me then. It's just about the only thing keeping me sane."

"Yena! Can Ikeu sit in my lap and get his things done?!" Sunghoon yelled to Yena, Jake's hair stylist and makeup artist, who was on the other side of the room.

"If by 'Ikeu' you mean Jake ssi, then as long as I can access his head properly it shouldn't be a problem!" Yena yelled back. She was roughly three years older than the two, and had grown quite fond of them, having been Jake's hair stylist and makeup artist since debut. Sometimes they used respectful suffixes, calling her 'noona' and using ssi and such, but recently they'd started just calling her Yena.

Sunghoon took Jake over to Yena, sitting on the chair and pulling him into his lap. Jake let Yena do her thing, becoming greatly interested in playing with the necklace his boyfriend had on while the three chatted. Sunghoon found it quite adorable how Jake played with the necklace, despite knowing he was doing what someone does with a necklace when they're anxious.

"Okay, you're all done, Jake ssi. Sunghoon ssi, has Joohee done you yet?"

"Yena, we told you to stop calling us 'ssi' long ago. But yeah, I'm done. Give me a mic and an outfit and I'm ready to go!"


Fans just about missed the way there was way more back and forth looks between Jakehoon than usual during the concert. Jake looked to Sunghoon as if for reassurance, and Sunghoon looked back with heart eyes that said 'you're doing good, you'll be okay'.

There was a fair bit of butt hunting for each other's butts and Sunghoon had to fight himself to not kiss the smirk off Jake's face whenever he snuck up on him and screw up the plan.

They're doing their encores and ending ments now. Sunghoon specifically asked to be last before they went off stage, as per their plan.

"One last thing, engenes. This is something I've kept from you for a while, and it's too good to keep a secret anymore."

The engenes all held their breaths, waiting for what Sunghoon would say next. Jake went up next to his boyfriend, and the others backed up slightly.

"I really hope you'll all support us, as it's taken us a lot and we're risking a lot to do this."

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