All the times we've fallen further in love - Niki x Enhypen

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This is gonna be literally just instances enha fell even deeper for their omega, the funny ones, cute ones, sad ones

"Kim Yuna! Get down off the counter! The cookies won't appear in your hands any quicker!" Sunoo lectured his niece, who enha were looking after for a few days of their break.

"I want cookies!! Gimme cookies!!" the girl whined, still standing on the kitchen counter, trying to open the cupboard door.

"Does she not realize we rarely get to eat what we want, and therefore don't have any cookies?" Niki asked Sunoo quietly, coming into the kitchen, "Jay Hyung's just had to go get some from that place nearby."

"I don't think she does, Ki. And I didn't either, thanks for reminding me honey," Sunoo told him, giving Niki a peck.

"Eww Uncle Noo kissing his boyfriend!!" Yuna giggled.

"Yuna darling, we don't have any cookies right now," Niki said to her softly, trying to soften the huge emotional blow this kind of news tends to have on a three year old.

"Aww! You don't have cookies?"

"We don't, darling, but Uncle Jay went to buy some just for this special little girl! How about we finish that pillow fort we started making until he comes back?"

"Okay!!" Yuna agreed, making to jump off the counter but then cowering back.

"You scared to jump off? Look, I'll catch you!" Niki encouraged her.

He counted to three and Yuna jumped into his arms, giggling when Niki spun her around.

As they walked out the kitchen, Sunoo whispered into Niki's ear, "You're so good with kids. Wonder if you could give me one and act the same way, hm? Seeing you pregnant would be hot."

"Not now Hyung! I am literally carrying your niece as we speak!" Niki whined.


Wonnie Hyung

I'm so bored, I miss you baby puma~

Aren't you in a meeting rn? Listen to
what people are saying!

I am but I wanna see you :(
It's been an hour since I last saw
my omega

... You'll see me again soon Hyungie

I'll buy you bungeoppang from
that street vendor's stall later if I
can see you in the next ten mins


It took roughly five minutes for Niki to get there. Jungwon thought he'd just casually walk in, but his omega's extra ass had other plans. Very comical yet stupid plans.

Niki was wearing Jake's purple bathrobe, and had a purple shirt half wrapped half hanging on his head.

"TROLL IN THE DUNGEONS!!!" he yelled before collapsing on the floor.

The people in the meeting were Bang PD, all of the Hybe groups' leaders, and their managers. And everyone except Bang PD, who sat there appalled and shocked, burst out laughing.

Niki got up, did a bow, and walked over to his Jungwon Hyung to cuddle up to him.

"What? Close your mouth before a fly goes in, and continue your meeting," Niki said to Bang PD from where he'd climbed into his Hyung's lap and was curled into his chest.

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