My little convicted murderer♡ - Hoonki

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I was running on half an hour of sleep when I named this now it's too funny to me to change so I'm sorry

Sunghoon was completely out of it. He hadn't had much sleep, and even the sleep he got could barely be considered sleep. More like resting his eyes at his desk as he does his third overnight in a row.

There'd been a convict escaped from jail on the loose for a few days, yet no one so far had found anything. He didn't know how he was supposed to be of any help in the search since no one had ever actually shown him what the convict looked like. He hadn't been on the case of his arrest or anything, he just knew a few details from his friend Jay who'd been on the case.

He knew the guy had killed in self defence and was supposed to have been ruled not guilty on a count of self defence, but someone in the dead guy's family had requested a jury change, and that jury had found him guilty unlike the original.  He could understand why the convict escaped.

"Sunghoon! Sunghoon! You there?!" Jay shook him back into consciousness.

"Ugh... What is it? I was sleeping for once."

"I told you I'd go on a coffee and energy drink run if you wanted me to."

"Nah they taste like ass. Not in the good way. Why'd you wake me up anyway?"

"Oh yeah, about that! There was a sighting of the guy called in a few minutes earlier! He's a street west of Lotte World! We need to go, come on!"

Jay dragged a half asleep Sunghoon into their vehicle. They sped through the streets, sirens on and lights flashing. Jay halted to a stop, "This is roughly where they saw him last... We're looking for a guy, 185cm, black hair, dark clothes with a slit in his eyebrow."

They got out, clicking their car shut, prowling quietly in the darkness.

"Look, there he his! Shit he's seen us, run run run!" Jay cried.

Sunghoon bolted after the guy, Jay hot on his heels. At one point during the chase, the former heard Jay fall over, but didn't stop so the pesky criminal would finally be caught and he could sleep again. He chased the convict into a dead end alley.

"Police! Freeze! Up against the w- Kiki?"


"You're the one we've been looking for? What happened? You were so sweet, such a blessing to the world."

"You remember my ex I told you about?"


"Yes, him."

"What did that asshole do? I swear to god if he's the reason you've turned out this way I'm going to kill him!"

"You can't kill him, Hoon. I did. He tracked me down and k-killed my parents and sisters, then tried to k-kill me too... I grabbed his knife and stabbed him in defence. I didn't know I'd stabbed a fatal spot... There's no use in telling you this. You're a cop. You believe in the verdict I was given and you're going to throw me back in jail with an extra few years because I broke out. Maybe even an insane asylum... Hah, I deserve it."

Sunghoon put his cuffs back on his belt, walking over to Riki, hugging him gently. "That asshole deserved it, Kiki. Jay told me the jury was biased as fuck. Apparently your ex's parents asked for a new jury, to replace the one that ruled it self defence. And they gave them a new jury, who found you guilty. That isn't okay. Let me get you back to the station and into an interrogation room. I'm gonna help you get out of jail, okay? You don't deserve this."

"You're just some guy who used to date me. Why do you care?"

"I left you because I'd just locked up a big mob boss, and I was getting threats that they'd kill you, right in front of my eyes and I wouldn't have been able to do anything. I left to protect you, Kiki. I'll help you get out of this mess, okay? Jake Peralta style."

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