Behind the scenes - Wonki

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Enhypen were at dance practice. They'd been there for way longer than usual, and it'd been way more intense.

Jungwon was starting to lose it. He was just not feeling all that well that day. He'd started to lose that scary leader effect when he got mad at the group for goofing around and instead was giving off the vibe of a very cute and angry toddler. The group began cooing at him when he got mad, which of course didn't help.

Curse Ni-ki for obsessing over being perfect for their fate plus tour, and curse their staff for agreeing with him.

"I don't fucking care anymore, I'm taking a break!" he announced, and stormed out the practice room.

"You can't just do that! Get your ass back here now!!" Niki shouted after him, "For God's sake..."

Jungwon may or may not have heard him, but just kept making his way to the vending machine.

Apparently he had been stomping quite loudly, for Jeonghan came out of a room, and stopped him.

"Jungwon! What's going on that's made you stomp along this hallway so loudly?" he exclaimed.

"Oh Jeonghan Hyung! I'm so sorry to disturb you! My members were being total asses and I got really mad and left," Jungwon explained apologetically, "I'll stop bothering you now and be on my way!"

"No need to be sorry! We're taking a break right now, where are you headed to?"

"Just the vending machine for a drink, then off to somewhere far away from those nuisances."

"I'll go with, get my members some energy drinks then you can come back with me and be with some hopefully less annoying people for a bit."


"Sorry Jungwonnie, could you just hold these three drinks for a second?" Jeonghan said, dropping them into Jungwon's arms.

Jeonghan knocked on the practice room door, "I give you give three seconds to compose yourselves before I go in there."

Jeonghan gestured to Jungwon to give the drinks back to him, which the younger did.

Jeonghan opened the door, and walked in with Jungwon in tow. They were met with quite the Seventeen sight. S.coups was sleeping in a corner, while the rest of them were seemingly having a contest to see who could kick a bottle of banana milk off the top of Dino's head first. Dino did not seem to be enjoying it as much as his hyungs.

"Did I not tell you all to compose yourselves? We have a guest and this is what he sees?!"

"In Minghao and I's defense, we said we shouldn't do this but Minghao jumping roundhouse kicked the bottle perfectly off Dino's head when Vernon kept bothering him to try so..." Woozi explained.

"And why didn't you wake 'Cheol up to tell him?"

"He said to only wake him up if Joshua Hyung or you were dying, Hyung," Dino pitched in.

"Very helpful of him, no? Why am I still here...?" Jeonghan questioned exasperatedly.

"Because you love us, Hannie. Me especially," Joshua clarified.

"Yes, I do," Jeonghan sighed fondly, "Now, it would be helpful if you weren't so shy, Jungwon."

"Jungwon!!" Hoshi exclaimed excitedly, rushing behind Jeonghan's back where Jungwon hid.

"Hoshi Hyung!!" Jungwon exclaimed just as excitedly.

Jungwon quickly became less shy and let himself get dragged into Seventeen's chaos.

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