Enemy's son - Jakehoon

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Sprinkle a bit of Heeki and hint of Sunwon in there

"Class dismissed, you may go home," Ms Kim said, releasing her class.

Jake and Sunghoon walked out, not waiting for theirs friends who were still in the classroom.

"You know what I've just realized, Jakey?" Sunghoon asked his boyfriend.

"What?" Jake answered.

"Our class hierarchy is so corrupt, like look at us. The class president Jungwon and the vice, Sunoo, are dating each other, you were originally their friend, and then you three have managed to make friends with Niki, Heeseung, Jay, and me, the exact opposite of the law abiding students you are. And we're all queer, like, Jay's ace, we're dating and Heeseung loves flirting with guys and girls while Niki stares jealously and one-ups him with the flirting or does something stupid! They're always making each other jealous, trying to get the other to confess! Did you know, I've had them both confide in me about their feelings separately! Niki literally told me 'if he shows just a bit of interest, I'll climb that tree and ride him'!"

"For an introvert, you sure talk a lot, Hoon. But that is pretty strange, yeah."

"I talk a lot because I'm with you my love~" Sunghoon winked and kissed him on the cheek.

"Hoon!" Jake whined.

"You know something else too, Jakey?"

"No, what is it?"

"All the girls in this school won't achieve their dream of hooking up with the Park cousins! I'm gay and I have a boyfriend, and Jay isn't interested in sex. Shame, that. Don't get me wrong here, he's my cousin and all but he's a pretty handsome person. Sex is better with a good looking person than an ugly person as far as I've experienced."

"Yes, I sure am," came a voice from behind them.

"Jesus Christ, Jay! You scared me!"


"You dick!"

"I'm still older than you, you know!"

A loud thud from inside the classroom cut off their bickering. A teacher shouted, "Nishimura Riki! That's a detention!"

"That's not fair!" they heard Niki complain.

"It's totally fair, Mr Nishimura. You stopped in the middle of the room, turned around, froze in place and swore, before pushing over a desk."

"Ms Kim, please excuse him, he's a lovesick idiot at the moment," came Jungwon's voice, "Now Niki, Heeseung, Sun, let's leave, the others are waiting.

Jungwon dragged them out, with Heeseung complaining, "But Jungwon! I was with So-Hee!"

"No one cares, Heeseung," Niki said venomously.

"I care! Besides, weren't you fucking around with Min-Ji earlier?"

"Only so you'd notice me, Hyung!"

"And why do you need my attention so much?! You have five other hyungs, why me?!"

"Because I like you! No, I love you! It physically pains me to see you with all those whores!"

"And you think it doesn't hurt me to see you like that either?!"

Niki grabbed the collar of Heeseung's shirt and kissed him hard. Heeseung kissed back, pushing Niki against a locker. They broke apart and Heeseung kissed down the exposed bits of Niki's neck, leaving marks as the other moaned quietly.

Sunoo pulled Heeseung off Niki by the back of his shirt. Niki whined at the loss of Heeseung and Heeseung whined at the loss of Niki.

"Fuck at home, you animals. We're still at school!" the fox like male said.

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