Welcome to the world, Nabi - Sunki

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"Yah!! This isn't funny, you know!! You are in real trouble here, Nishimura Riki!" Sunoo shouted, frustrated at the fact that his husband just sat there on the couch, with a completely straight face, when usually he'd be all over Sunoo by now, apologizing for whatever he'd done.

"And why would I find your anger amusing at all, my dearest darling husband and omega?" Ni-ki asked, fearing for his life and laughing on the inside at the same time.

"Nishimura Riki! It is because I know for a fact you're keeping a straight face because you don't want to die laughing out loud! Also what's with you being a literal victorian novelist all the damn sudden?!"

"Why I have no clue as to what you just previously mentioned, I am only being courteous to my darling omega."

And that is how it had been going for half an hour. Quite frankly, it amused Ni-ki that Sunoo had not yet looked down and seen himself. A grey sweatsuit he'd had on for ages with all kinds of stains on it (😏) and most importantly, his nine month pregnant belly. For a whole solid half hour, South Korea's it model had forgotten he was pregnant, or at least it was not at the front of his mind.

Oops, Ni-ki zoned out, only to be pulled back to reality by Sunoo's still frustrated shouting.

"-and that's why- hey!! You even listening to me?!"

Ni-ki pulled Sunoo in by the waistband of his sweatpants and into his lap, "Alright baby, I get you're pissed but we've still got an infinitesimal shread of time left as just the two of us, let's not waste that. As excited as I am to meet her, she's gonna be a lot of work, and we'll barely have any alone time, especially with your job, and the way I put the new roll of toilet paper on the holder is not worth wasting that. Also, it was pretty funny how you didn't realize I found it funny because you're huge."

Sunoo tried and failed to writhe out of Ni-ki's lap, as Ni-ki just held onto him tighter.

"So pregnancy is funny now, huh?!"

"No, no, baby. It's just that when someone who's as cute when they're angry as you looks like they have a watermelon taped onto their stomach is angry it looks kinda comical."

"No it doesn't!"

"In that case I'm going to the store to buy a watermelon to tape to myself."

"Fine. Go! I won't find it any funnier anyways!"

"If you want me to go, get off my lap."

"No," Sunoo mumbled.

"What was that? Didn't quite catch that."

"I said no."

"Aww you big baby," Ni-ki cooed, spinning Sunoo around so they faced each other.

Sunoo kissed Ni-ki. Ni-ki kissed back. They made out, Sunoo grinding on Ni-ki's legs, desperately trying to get friction to his clit. He moaned softly into Ni-ki's mouth when he finally got it.

Ni-ki briefly pulled away, "Bedroom?"

"Yes," Sunoo breathed.


"Aahh- M-more- Yes! Right there, right there-Aaaahhh-" Sunoo's lewd moans spurred Ni-ki on.

Ni-ki was already going at a fast pace, yet he sped up more. God, how he loved, loved, loved reducing Sunoo to a moaning mess. It didn't help it was all the more hotter when he was pregnant.

"Yessss!! Riki~ Ah- Ah- Ah- Gonna cummm!!-" Sunoo screamed out of pure pleasure.

A liquid trickled out of Sunoo.

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