My Sun - Sunwon

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"Sun! Sun, c'mere! Look at these pretty flowers I found!" a five year old Jungwon called out to a six year old Sunoo.

"Is that a grasshopper, Wonnie? Eek! It jumped on me!" Sunoo came over just to have Jungwon shove a grasshopper in his face.

"Boys, you've been out in this field for hours! I've got everything I need, it's time to go back! Your mom must be looking for you by now, Jungwon!" Sunoo's grandma called out from by the gate leading to the field they were in.

"C'mon Wonnie, let's go!"

. . .

"Sun, come here a sec! I want you to check out this new flower combo I made!"  A ten year old Jungwon called Sunoo from the back of the floristry shop the latter's grandma owned.

An eleven year old Sunoo, who was organising the roses out front responded, "Gimme a sec! I'm sorting roses!"

Once finished, he went to Jungwon.

"Let's see then?"

"Look! It's gerberas and baby's breath! I thought they looked nice together, don't they?" (Look up the meaning of those two flowers those who aren't botanics nerds)

"Yes, they look nice Wonnie, should we pitch this to grandma as a new bouquet idea?"

"Sure!" Jungwon said, feeling a little disheartened that Sunoo didn't get the meaning of the flowers.

. . .

"Sun, I leave for America tonight. I-I'm so sorry I didn't say earlier, I just didn't want to make you sad, it's hurts me to see you sad," a fifteen year old Jungwon told a sixteen year old Sunoo.

"Why? You know it hurts me more now, since I can't even try talk your parents out of it," Sunoo mumbled, trying not to cry.

Jungwon sighed, "Why are you making this so goddamn difficult?"

And he kissed Sunoo.

Sunoo froze in shock.

Jungwon pulled away, "I need to go now, I love you My Sun, never forget that."

He ran off. And Sunoo couldn't bring himself to speak or run after him, he just crouched down and cried and cried.

. . .

* Knock knock *

"Ugh yes, what is it? I'm trying to pick clothes over here," A seventeen year old Sunoo groaned from his closet.

"Honey, your father and I are worried about your mental health. Ever since Jungwon left, you've not been yourself. You don't even go to help out your grandmother at the shop anymore," his mom explained.

"So what? People change, mom."

"This just isn't right either way, you used to be so happy and fun loving. We think it might be because you and Jungwon have been everywhere around here, in this little countryside town, and it brings back memories. Trust me, my best friend since infancy left Korea too, and I was so depressed that your grandmother had to move us out of the area so I'd stop crying every time I saw a cherry tree. And so, we're moving to Seoul. It'll be a fresh start."

. . .

A nineteen year old Sunoo slowly made friends in university in Seoul.

He did everything with a group of five people who were his everything in a big city.

Heeseung - master basketball player, Jongseong - who lived in America for a bit, and who's English name is Jay, Jake - who's Korean name is Jaeyun, but he's lived in Australia for ages and only came back to Korea for uni, Sunghoon - who used to be a world class figure skater as a child and Ni-ki - a mischievous Japanese boy who loves dance.

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