Bite me - Jayki

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Went on a zb1 obsessed rampage recently and watched Jiwoong's dramas. This is inspired by Kissable Lips, kinda (but with a happy ending)

"Niki! Did you hear, apparently us juniors are getting a new classmate!" Sunoo cried, coming straight from a student council meeting to Niki.

"No, I didn't. And you only just found out because the principal told you."

"Yup! And he's coming today!"

"So nice."

"You could be more enthusiastic, you know?"

"Oh gee! I sure can't wait for this new student!" Niki said in fake excitement with a really bad Southern USA accent.

"Ugh. Why am I even friends with you?"

"Technically you started it."

"Listen up you two, I don't care who started it, what I care about is that the most popular girls are screaming, so something's happening," one of their friends, Heeseung, told them, appearing from somewhere.

"And we're the most popular boys, so wherever they are, we are. Let's gooo!!"

Sunoo dragged them to the place the screams were coming from, and the cause was a boy. A boy who looked around their age, with a jawline made by the gods, piercing eyes and muscular body, flirtatious look permanently etched on his face, easily the most attractive person Niki had ever seen.

"You like it?" Sunoo teasingly asked Niki.

"Like what?"

"The view," Sunoo said, gesturing to the person in front of them.

"Kim Sunoo!" Niki whined, smacking him in the arm.

"I'm guessing that means you do."


"Hey, mind if I sit here?" came a voice from above Niki as he waited for his class to start.

"No, I don't mind," Niki replied, not looking up from his laptop.

"I'm Jay, and I'm from America," the voice introduced themself.

Niki finally looked up to face the owner of the voice, and it was the guy from earlier.

"I'm Niki. I'm from Japan," he also introduced.

"Well it's nice to meet you. I've only just moved here, so you're the first person I know the name of."

"Oh that's cool! Do you wanna spend lunch with my friends and I?"

"You'd really let me, pretty boy?"

"Y-yes," Niki stuttered, blushing slightly.

"Oh, you like the nickname?"


"The stuttering and blushing says otherwise."

"I'm not!"

"So are, pretty boy."


"Oh my god Niki!! You got him!" Jungwon exclaimed as Niki and Jay joined them in their usual spot for lunch.

"You're talking about him as if he's some kind of collectible."

"Which I am very much not, though collectibles are precious, so I appreciate it," Jay said, putting his chin on Niki's shoulder.

"Got yourself a boyfriend already, Niki?" Sunoo asked, as he joined them, being the last one to do so.

"He is not my boyfriend!"

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