Amnesia - Yunki

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I had a bad day and feel like crying so I wrote this  (then it gets happier as my mood gets better)

"RIKI! RIKI DON'T, GET OFF THE ROAD, PLEASE! YOU DON'T WANT THIS!" Jake yelled, running down the street as fast as he could.

Riki didn't respond, he stood in the middle of the road, waiting for the truck that was rapidly approaching to hit him with tears running down his face.

"RIKI CAN YOU HEAR ME?! P-PLEASE! GET OFF THE ROAD! RIKI! LOVE PLEASE! SOMEONE HELP! RIKI!" Jake screamed, desperate and hysterical, when the truck didn't stop in time and. hit. Riki.

"RIKI!! NOOO!" Jake sped down the last bit of the road, dropping to his knees next to Riki's dying form, and the truck that had hit him stopped on the sidewalk and the driver got out.

"Oh my god man, I'm so sorry! I tried to stop in time but I couldn't! I'm calling the ambulance and police now! I'll pay his hospital bills!"

"R-Riki..." Jake choked out through his sobs, "Look at me baby, Yunnie Hyung is right here, you'll be okay, I promise."

"Yun..." Riki whispered weakly, a shaky arm lifting up to wipe Jake's tears, "I can see the stars, Yun, the stars..." (inspired by zoe's death in percy jackson)

"Ssh... Don't talk love, save your energy. The ambulance will get here and you'll be fine."

"Y-Yun... I-It's too m-much... It h-hurts... I love you, Yun..." Riki said, eyes drooping.

"Riki! Riki! Stay awake, love! Stay with me! D-don't leave me!"

"I-I'm sorry, Yun..." Riki closed his eyes and went limp just as the sirens approached.

That "NOOOO! R-RIKI!!!" has to have been the most heart shattering sound anyone in a ten mile radius had ever heard.


Jake sobbed into his best friend turned step brother Heeseung's chest. He screamed and cried and begged and didn't care what other people in the hospital thought. The love of his life had died in his arms, been brought back to life, and was fighting for that life on the operating table in the room across from them, and had been for seven hours.

Riki had suffered a collapsed lung and multiple broken ribs, a bruised hip, a broken leg and a fractured thigh bone in his other leg, some internal bleeding and a head injury. They didn't know how bad the head injury was yet, as a doctor had told him earlier.

Riki had been hit by a truck going 90, had flown slightly before hitting the road, and might not live to the end of the day. Jake wanted to fucking die. Why must the universe be so cruel?!

"Mr Sim?" a different doctor to the earlier one asked, coming out of the operating room.

"He's here, just very distraught," Heeseung informed him, pointing at Jake, who sat next to him, but leant on him, sobbing and sobbing.

"Well, Mr Nishimura is out of surgery. He put up a real fight for his life in there. He'll live and his condition is finally stabilized, but he'll most likely be in a coma. The head injury's severity will become fully apparent when and if he wakes up, but it's on a slightly bad scale, where we can expect partial to nearly full memory loss."

"If?! What do you mean 'if'?! He will wake up, he has to! I need my cuddly, sassy, pup! If he dies I will too!"

"Jake, don't say that. If you die, I'll be all alone."

"I might actually, Heeseung, I might actually."

"Don't be like that, Jake. Be positive. When we will be able to go see him, doctor?"

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