When they found out - Heejakehoon

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Heeseung had a secret. A secret he was terrified of anyone finding out about. It was his absolute worst nightmare.

Riki was on laundry duty since Jungwon had a really bad headache. Heeseung was panicking. He'd left his pills in the medicine cabinet and forgotten to take some of his clothes out of the dryer.

"Guys! Could everyone come here for a second?" Riki called from the laundry room.

Everyone apart from Jungwon gathered around Riki, Heeseung's heart pounding so heavily he was surprised it hadn't jumped out of his chest yet. Shit his chest. Fuck fuck fuck!

"Does anyone know who's this is?" the youngest asked, holding up Heeseung's two binders and a few pairs of his panties.

Everyone chattered loudly about who's it could be, when Jungwon sauntered in with Heeseung's pills in his hand.

"Jungwonnie Hyung! Do you know who's these are?" Riki cried, showing Jungwon Heeseung's things.

"No, I don't. But do you guys know who's this bottle of testosterone pills are? Manager nim hasn't told me that any of us need a testosterone boost," Jungwon replied.

The chatter got even louder, and Heeseung felt he was getting closer and closer to throwing up.

"Wait a minute. They're not mine, Riki said they're not his, same goes for Jake, Jay and Sunghoon Hyungs, and Jungwon. Heeseung Hyung, you've been awfully quiet. Are they yours?" Sunoo asked Heeseung, who stood in a corner, hiding.

"W-what? No w-why would they be mine? They're not they're not! How could you ever accuse me of that?! How could you fucking think that?! Who do you think I am?! I'm going to my room now goodbye fuck off!" Heeseung exclaimed, rushing out and to his room where he locked the door behind him, sinking down onto his bed, crying.

"We'll go after him," Sunghoon decided, taking Jake's hand and going up to Heeseung's room.

The former athlete knocked gently, "Seung? It's Hoon and Jakey."

"G-go away!" came Heeseung's voice.

"Don't be like that. We want to understand why you reacted how you did. We don't want to hurt you and make assumptions. Please let us in."

They heard Heeseung sniffle before the door creaked open slowly to reveal him with a tear soaked face, not looking the two boys in the eyes, instead keeping them on the floor.

Sunghoon enveloped him in a warm hug as he and Jake stepped inside, closing the door behind them.

Once they were all settled on Heeseung's bed, the boy still hugging Sunghoon, Jake asked him softly, careful not to trigger anything, "What happened out there, pup? We've never seen you behave like that before."

Heeseung mumbled something into Sunghoon's chest, that Sunghoon then clarified, "He said he's really embarrassed and scared to tell us."

"You don't need to be, pup. We'll stay by you no matter what, right Hoon?"

"Yes. We'll be here no matter what, doll. So can you please tell us what's up so we can help?"

Heeseung shifted in Sunghoon's lap so that his face was visible. "You promise you won't leave?"

"We promise, doll."

"I-I'm trans... The binders, panties and testosterone are mine... I got really scared that everyone figured out my secret so I lashed out and ran away... Please don't leave I know I'm disgusting and I should leave instead and o-oh god..." Heeseung explained, resuming his crying by the last sentence.

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