Something about babies - Heejakehoon

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Hear me out - littlespace but they actually turn into children (also any mentions of football mean soccer)

Jake was very attention deprived. His own boyfriends weren't paying attention to him, instead being all over an injured Jay. He felt sorry for his fellow 02 liner, and had expressed it, but to play video games with him instead of cuddling their own boyfriend?

Jake stomped into his room, slamming the door shut. He'd just watched Heeseung and Sunghoon fawn over Jay walking, nothing just fucking walking, down the stairs on his own for the first time since his knee injury.

"What do I have to be for them to pay attention to me?! A literal fucking child?!" Jake fumed, climbing into his bed and turning his back to the door.

He tossed and turned for another hour, yet no one came to check on him. This just made him even angrier. He was left to stew in it until he eventually fell asleep.


The next morning, everyone was downstairs except for Jake.

"Guys, where's Jake Hyung? He doesn't usually sleep in this late," Jungwon asked, finally realizing that the Aussie wasn't with them.

"I don't know. He stormed off angrily for whatever reason last night, let me go check on him," Heeseung replied.

He knocked on Jake's door, but there was no answer.

"Jakey? Are you okay, love?" he asked gently, yet again to no reply.

Heeseung sighed, opening the door anyways. Inside, the only sign anyone had been there was the fact that all the plushies Heeseung and Sunghoon had ever gotten Jake were scattered around the room in such places that he assumed the Australian boy must've either placed them there on purpose or had been throwing things. That is until he looked at Jake's bed, and there was a lump the size of a small child.

The lump yawned and stretched it's little arms as it woke up. "Seungie Hyung?"

"Hi buddy, slept well?" Heeseung asked, looking at a roughly two and a half year old boy, who looked like a mini Jake.

"Mhm! Where's Hoon?"

"Hoon's downstairs right now. Want me to get him for you?"

"Yup! Pwease..."

"Okay. Stay here and I'll go get him for you."

Heeseung went downstairs, letting out the shock he'd been holding in as to not scare the mini Jake.

"Holy shit..." he sighed, running a hand through his hair.

"So? Where is he?" Sunghoon prompted his boyfriend.

"Well... He's kinda turned into a toddler...?"

"He's what?!" Jungwon cried.

"Yeah, that happened. And he's asking for Hoon."

"Lead the way babe," Sunghoon said, taking Heeseung's hand and following him back upstairs.

"Hoon!" mini Jake squealed, carefully getting out of the bed, which was now far too tall for his size, and running to Sunghoon.

"Hi bubba! Let's get you started for the day. You excited? You're gonna get to do lots of big boy stuff today," the currently second oldest asked the toddler, picking him up.

"Excited!!" the mini Jake responded.

"I'm gonna take you to wash up, then we're gonna go have some breakfast," Sunghoon detailed the order of events to the toddler as he crouched down, opening a cardboard box and pulling out things you'd need for a toddler.

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