The hero and the villain - Sunsun

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Sunoo knew that being born with such extraordinary powers would come with advantages and disadvantages.

However, he never expected to meet anyone that embodied both as perfectly as Park Sunghoon.

Park Sunghoon was his mortal enemy, the villain of Korea. He had the same powers as Sunoo, and while Sunoo used them for good, Sunghoon didn't, instead terrorizing the nation. Sunoo had to play the hero and constantly fight him, stopping him from burning everything to the ground.

Park Sunghoon was also his secret lover. Sunghoon was the only person who treated him like a human, not a tool for the government's disposal. He hated having to fight Sunghoon, see him injured and tied up (the 'by him' went unsaid), taken to high security prisons with the constant threat of being shot dead, only to find him in his house, healed and freshly broken out mere hours later.

Park Sunghoon was so close to exile, always dancing around that thin line between staying and going. But Sunghoon never got exiled, just about not doing anything bad enough, all for Sunoo. He knew Sunoo wouldn't be able to cope if he had to leave.

If Sunghoon cared so much about Sunoo, why didn't he stop being villainous altogether? Simple answer is he couldn't, just physically couldn't. It was an instinctual impulse at this point, and indulging in it made him feel good. If that makes sense?

Sometimes Sunoo purposefully didn't catch Sunghoon, letting him escape and pretending that Sunghoon had used his vanishing powers. Which was kinda true, since before they'd got together, Sunghoon loved to torture him by disappearing seconds before Sunoo would've had his victory.

Right now was one of those instances. Sunoo shot across the sky, the small lightning clouds under his feet carrying him after Sunghoon, who's hands glowed brightly with a blue flame. Sunghoon dropped down into an alley, and Sunoo followed.

As his feet touched the ground, he felt Sunghoon's arms sneak their way around his waist.

"Hoonie, seriously? The florist I went to last week, then five policemen? Why?"

"But Sunshine, they were mean to you..."

"I know Hoonie, I know. I think a stern telling off from someone as scary as you would've been enough."

"I was in a destructive mood."

"I know you were, Hoonie, but this isn't healthy. One day they will actually exile you. I've been told maybe a rage room could help you?"

"Nah, they won't. I'm half the country's publicity, and if I ever have to leave, I'll be taking the other half with me," Sunghoon told him, pressing a kiss to the top of his head, "If the rage rooms involve multiple asshole human beings I might take the option."

"We both know you wouldn't."

"We do indeed. Sunshine, I can hear the cops coming. Pretend to fight me and I'll disappear."

Sunoo's vines wrapped around his neck, choking him slightly, Sunghoon deliberately letting him do this. Sunghoon took out his dagger, cutting the vines, then kicked Sunoo in the stomach, to which the latter let out a loud groan, clutching the area of impact.

Sunghoon winked at Sunoo and disappeared. Sunoo cursed loudly as the police rushed into the alley, "Fuck! Just when I was gonna get him!"

"Sunoo ssi, where is he?!" a policeman asked, running to him.

"I don't know! I was covering him in vines, then he cut them off and disappeared! God fucking damn it!"


"Hi Sunshine, how were the cops?"

"We seriously need to work on your fake fighting strength," Sunoo groaned, plopping down into bed next to Sunghoon, "The cops were fine, I guess. They got rid of that old chief, and instead now have a perverted one who tried to grope my ass. While I gave a statement to the media at that."

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