Christmas - Heeki

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Boypussy again bc I said so

On Christmas Eve, Heeseung woke up to someone snuggling inside his oversized hoodie he'd worn to sleep.

"Morning Hyungie, it's Christmas Eve!" Niki blinked up at him, from inside his hoodie.

Heeseung kissed his forehead, "Morning Ki, slept well?"

"Yup! We get to decorate the tree today!"

"We could've done it earlier, you know. You were the one who insisted on doing it today so it's 'more magical'."

"Because it will be! C'mon, let's go feed Bisco and eat and get going!"

Heeseung chuckled at Niki's cuteness. "Alright. But for that, you'll need to get out of my hoodie, hm?"


"Hyung! Bisco keeps running away!" Niki whined to his boyfriend, who was scrolling through Christmas movies, trying to find one they hadn't seen yet.

There was Christmas music playing softly in the background as Niki flopped down onto the couch exhaustedly, with a reindeer headband and a dog sized ugly Christmas sweater in his hand.

"Maybe he doesn't want to wear that abomination, Ki."

"Oh shut up it's cute!" Niki pouted.

Heeseung sighed and called for Bisco. He held the dog in his arms so Niki could put the things on him. He held up Bisco like Rafiki did Simba, and declared, "Bisco's in full Christmas mode now!"

Niki giggled and Heeseung's heart melted. Bisco jumped down from Heeseung's lap to go find one of his toys and Niki asked, "Have you found anything yet?"

"How about Home Alone 2? We watched the first one last night."

"Ooh sure!!"


"Ow shit!" Niki cried, blowing at his hand.

"What happened Ki? Are you okay??"

"I burnt my hand with the tray!"

"Go put it under cold water quickly! This is why I told you not to touch the roast potatoes yet, because it'll burn you. Why even bother if you won't listen?"

" 'm sorry..."

"Awe it's alright baby! How about you just go sit down and I'll bring everything to the table."

"Okay Hyungie!"


"Mm!! This is so good!" Niki exclaimed, his mouth full of Christmas Eve food.

"Don't speak with food in your mouth, Ki."

Niki swallowed his food, "Sorry Hyung, let me rephrase that. Oh ma fucking god dis good!"

Heeseung snorted and smacked Niki's arm as he hastily tried to not spit his food out laughing.


"C'mon! Just put it on!" Niki tried convincing Heeseung for the twelfth time.

"No! I've already put the sweater on! No more ugly Christmas shit!" Heeseung protested.

"Oh go on Hyung, put it on," Sunghoon encouraged, coming out of the kitchen.

Heeseung and Niki's friends had come over for the rest of Christmas Eve with their pets. There were now three dogs with mini ugly Christmas sweaters running around. Maeumi, Jungwon's dog, Gaeul, Sunghoon's dog, and Bisco.

A few of their friends were in the kitchen making the gingerbread for the houses they were going to make later, Jay was on an errand for gingerbread house decoration candy, and the rest were decorating the tree and various parts of the house Niki had left undecorated so they could do it on Christmas Eve together.

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