Like a Mockingbird - Wonki

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Sometimes with the things I write I don't want to believe that I'm human. It's such a dehumanizing feeling to write rape. With that being said, rape ahead so skip if you don't like it!! (Also kinda graphic murder)

Riki had always thought the throne was doomed. His parents needed an alpha as their heir. His older sister, Konon, had been one. But she'd denounced her claim to the throne to marry a non noble woman from another kingdom she'd met on her travels. Riki and his other sister were omegas. So now, being the new oldest in the Royal Family Nishimura, he was the new heir, but to claim the throne, he needed an alpha.

An alpha that he'd gotten a few months after his sister left. His alpha went by the name of Yang Jungwon. Jungwon had been around the palace since they were both toddlers, and they were childhood best friends, who'd developed a crush on each other.

Jungwon was the absolute most perfect person ever. He was buff and broad and tough, as a knight should be, but so calm and soft and sweet and gentle with Riki at the same time. Except when Riki wanted him to be rough, which Jungwon's horny ass always gave into and it always ended in mind blowing sex.

They were cuddling on their bed, post-previously-mentioned-sex.

"Little one, we need to get you cleaned up," Jungwon said gently.

"Mmm... Stay like this longer, please."

"Unfortunately I can't let that happen, little one. You are this kingdom's future luna, and you have business to attend to soon."

"Why don't you have to come with me? You will be the kingdom's alpha, after all."

"I'm not related to the king and queen. However, I am the knight assigned to protect you today, so I will come."

"You will?!"

"I will, little one."


Riki sat in Jungwon's lap, across the desk from his father.

"And then for the progressions next month- Alright, Riki, why are you always in his lap? Out of all the seating in this palace - which all cost a fortune, by the way - you choose to sit on another human?"

"He's my alpha, dad. He's my mate, and we've been together with no longer term separation for so long that we physically can't force ourselves more than a metre apart."

"Well we need to get you two therapy to deal with that, because you'll be separated more often as you get older and take over our kingdom."

"But that's later. Right now, I love him and I-" Riki got cut off as a royal guard burst in.

"Your Majesty! The vampires are sieging the city gates! All the alphas and make betas are called to fight!"

Shit is the only thing Riki can think. The vampires and wolves had been enemies since the beginning of time, and recently a settlement of vampires was discovered nearby. That is why Riki had been assigned a knight to be with him constantly.

His heart raced as Jungwon gently lifted him out of his lap.

"I love you Kiki, stay safe my love," Jungwon said to him, pressing a kiss to Riki's forehead, before leaving alongside the king.

So much for the protecting him thing. His breathing was heavy and he was shaking. He was so scared, for the future of the kingdom, for his dad's life, his own life, and most importantly Jungwon's life. One could argue that Riki's life should be more important to him, but he genuinely couldn't live without Jungwon.

He turned into his wolf, a pure white thing of beauty, as he raced through the extensive hallways of the palace to get to his room, that he could lock from the inside and stay safe.

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