Sold for the better- Sunjay

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Sunoo sat uncomfortably on the bus, fidgeting nervously.

He hated, hated, hated going home, if he could even call it that. He hated his dad especially. After his mom and sister passed in a car crash, his dad married his stepmom almost immediately. Turns out he'd been cheating for the past few years, and Sunoo even had a three year old half sister called Mi-Yeon.

His stepmom treated him like a maid. He had to do the dishes, clean, cook, do the shopping, look after his half sister, do their taxes and let his dad exploit him in the most disgustingly sexual and inhumane ways possible for the sake of the internet. In fact, that was the reason he was so uncomfortable right then. His dad had him doing... things, the night before. But if he refused to do any of these, or did them even slightly wrong in his stepmom's opinion, he'd be hit, beaten, abused until he barely knew who he was.

The bus jerking to a stop broke him free from his thoughts, and he got off the bus and headed to his house.

Outside the house was roughly a dozen black Audis, and a moving truck. The door was wide open and no one seemed to care.

His heart pounded. What was going on?

He went inside to discover the house almost completely empty, apart from a few boxes.

"Oh good, you're back," his stepmom smirked, "Your father will be out in a second and you'll be off."

"What do you mean I'll be off?" Sunoo asked nervously.

"Oh we've sold you for one billion. We have enough money for real maids and a new house now that we've gotten rid of you."

"Let who have me?"

"Oh just-" his stepmom stopped talking as his dad and a tall, muscular, important looking man appeared from the hallway to the left.

"This must be Sunoo?" the man asked, grabbing Sunoo's arm and looking him up and down, "He'll do perfectly for my son. Thank you for your sacrifice, Mr and Mrs Kim."

Sunoo opened his mouth to try and say something, but he was dragged outside by another unfamiliar man, who he presumed was a bodyguard, and into one of the Audis.

Sunoo was freaked the fuck out, trying to protest and free himself and find out where they were taking him, but he was just growled at to be quiet. Two bodyguards sat in the drivers and passengers seat, and one of them leaned back and did something to Sunoo he didn't quite see, then he felt himself slowly slipping away into unconsciousness.


Sunoo sat up in an unfamiliar yet comfortable bed with silk sheets in a fancy bedroom.

"Oh you're awake! I'm Jungwon, Jay's favorite escort!" a boy around his age in very skimpy clothing said to Sunoo, from where he sat in a needlepoint chair in the corner.

"I'm Sunoo, and I'm terrified out of my mind. I have no idea where I am and what's going on. Please tell me you have something you can tell me."

"Mr Park had two of his bodyguards brought you in here about four hours ago. It is currently 3pm."

"What the fuck that makes no sense?? I got back to the house at 3pm! Oh my god! Where am I??" Sunoo freaked out.

"You are in Seattle, Washington State, United States of America."

"What the fuck?! No no no get me back they'll hurt me if I don't make them food!"

Sunoo desperately tried to get up and get out, scared out of his mind. Jungwon got up and held him back.

"No Sunoo it'll be okay! You're not leaving this place, go back to the bed, because if you don't, the sedative I was told you got given will tire you out! Its effects haven't worn off yet!"

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