Idol Throuple - Sunwonki

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Everyone loves Sunwonki. The Enhypen maknae line are all so in love. But only really they themselves know exactly how they came to be. So I'll show you how it went:

Enhypen were practicing for their new album, Dark Blood.

Although Niki was really proud of the choreo for their title track 'Bite Me', he was beginning to wish it didn't involve female dancers. He hadn't considered what it would be like to watch the two people he would die for dance with the women.

He wanted Sunoo and Jungwon all to himself. Not very generous of him, was it? He didn't really care. He wanted to be the only one to dance with them.

He sat in a corner, glaring at the poor dancers. This was now the third day he had just sat and brewed in his jealousy.

"Riki yah, what's up? You seem rather mad at Sunoo and Jungwonnie's dancers," asked Jake as he came over and sat down next to him.

"Am not!"

"You seem like it. You know, you can tell me anything, I practically raised you."

"Ugh. Fine. Maybe just maybe I like Sunoo and Jungwon Hyungs. No, scratch that. Love them."

"Whew okay... Are you sure it's romantic? You're still quite young, you could be confusing platonic love for romantic."

"One hundred percent sure, Hyung."

"Okay, tell them then."

"It's not that easy!"

"It is. Or well at least it's easy with Jay ah. Just looking at him makes me squeal about how much I love him," Jake shrugged.

"That's Jay Hyung though. This is Kim Sunoo and Yang Jungwon."

"Hi I'm terribly sorry to disturb your conversation, but Jungwon ssi says you two have to go back now," Jungwon's dancer told them as she came up to them.

"Riki yah, no need to look at her like that, she hasn't done anything wrong, ease up," Jake said to Riki when he noticed how intensely the Japanese boy stared after the dancer.


"My fellow 02 liner has told me about your problem, so I, the great and almighty Park Sunghoon, am here to help you," Sunghoon announced as he walked into the room he shared with the maknae line, where Riki was.

"Oh I am actually going to kill him!" Niki cried, picking up a pillow and attempting to leave the room.

"Nope. You're staying right here. If you killed him, you'd have an angry Jay on your back. No one wants that," Sunghoon said, closing the door.

"I actually hate you."

"Teenagers these days..."

"I'm sorry grandpa, how old are you? 70? No. You're 20."

"See, exactly what I mean. Anyways, tell me what makes you love our sunshine and our baby leader."

"They're so kind, sweet and bubbly. They're so nice to be around, and their duality is crazy. I see engenes say that on the internet, and I agree. They can be so damn hot, and so cute and funny. God knew he fucked up and sent them as an apology. I would literally die for them, Hyung. If a bullet came their way while I was around, I'd push them out the way and take it instead," Riki explained, lying exasperatedly in his bed.

"And now you're jealous of their dancers."


"If I was them, you know what I think would be really hot?"


"If you waited until you got so jealous you were going to burst, then dragged them aside to somewhere private, and kiss them so hard it leaves a bruise on their lips," Sunghoon answered with a dreamy look on his face.

"You just wish Heeseung Hyung would do that to you. If you two don't get your shit together, I'll push your heads together. But it is an idea, just one that I'm not sure I have the patience for."

"So what if I do? I'm glad you actually admitted it was an idea, because Jay and Jake, those assholes, just laughed and told me good luck at getting you to admit that it's an idea!"

"I can kinda see why, but you aren't spewing complete bullshit, Hyung. Just partial bullshit."

Sunghoon gave him the middle finger.

"Please trust me, Riki yah. It will seem a bit cruel on you to wait long, but not only would I appreciate something like that, but they both would, based off the books I've seen them read."


Niki had decided enough was enough. The two had even befriended their dancers, and were laughing over something with them.

"Kim Sunoo. Yang Jungwon. Outside. Now."

"Riki yah? What's up?" Sunoo asked.

"Outside. Now."

The two confused boys followed Niki outside, where he lead them to an empty room. He closed the door.

"Riki what are y-" Jungwon's question got cut off as Niki kissed him.

He kissed like a man starved, holding Jungwon's neck. Jungwon smiled into the kiss, putting his hands around Niki's neck, and kissing back. They broke apart, panting heavily. The leader's forehead rested against Niki's as he leant against a wall. Niki quickly pecked Jungwon's lips before turning his attention to Sunoo.

Sunoo looked sad? Confused? Whatever?

"Come here, you. Don't stand there all pouty," Niki said, tilting Sunoo's head by his chin so they looked into each other's eyes.

The maknae hooked his hands around Sunoo's thighs and lifted him up as if he weighed nothing. Niki kissed him, one hand under Sunoo's butt, the other holding the nape of his neck. The oldest of the three kissed back just as feverishly, tangling his hands in Niki's hair. The Japanese boy bit Sunoo's bottom lip as they parted, strings of saliva connecting their mouths.

"Riki yah, what was that for?" Sunoo asked as he was let down, taking Jungwon, who stood next to him,'s hand.

"Dear God... I am so in love with you two I'm surprised I haven't drowned in it and my heart hasn't jumped out and started shouting about it for the world to hear! And those dancers make me so jealous it's unbearable! I clearly didn't think it through, as amazingly proud of Bite Me's choreography as I am."

"Oh Riki..." Jungwon whispered, the older two jumping straight into Niki's arms.

"Finally... I finally have my two loves..." Sunoo said into Niki's chest, a few tears threatening to drop.

Niki held them both, his heart at peace at last, now instead bursting with happiness.

"I'm guessing you'll be mine then?" the maknae chuckled.

"Yes. Yes a million times!" Sunoo and Jungwon chorused.

Niki kissed the top of their heads before gently detaching them from him, and holding their hands.

"Now that this is fucking finally settled and you're finally mine, and mine only, we need to go back to practice. Then we can watch Netflix and cuddle at home, okay?"

It seems that Jakehoon had told Jay and Heeseung, because when Sunghoon sent Niki a look that said 'how did it go?' and Niki replied with a look that said 'good, they're mine now' the four started whooping and cheering.

Niki, Sunoo and Jungwon went on to be the most well received relationship for a good while, their love revolutionizing the dating aspect of the industry.

Bro this book has been number two in #sunwonki with no sunwonki for so long, I feel so misleading😭

Anyways, my second rewriten fic - Idol Throuple!! It's way better now I actually love it now♡

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