Prank - Jayke

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"What the fuck?!" came a loud scream from Jake's bedroom.

"What's up, Jake? We need to hurry, we're going to be late to the meeting with Bang PD- oh my god!! What the hell- bhahaha!!" Heeseung's question turned statement turned laughter rang through the dorm.

"It's not funny Hyung!!"

"Oh my god!! Where is all your underwear gone?! Why are there so many thongs?!"

"Don't ask me!!"

"Did I just hear that right? Thongs?" Jungwon asked, him too turning up to Jake's room.

"You did. All of Jake's underwear turned into thongs!!" Heeseung cackled, finding it incredibly funny.

"For fuck's sake... Just put some on and hope they're the right size, we need to go. We'll deal with this when we get back."

"But Jungwon! That's all day we'll be gone! I'm not wearing lingerie all day!!" Jake protested.

"Well too bad. Better you than me, I'd die of shame. I promise we will deal with it, just not now. Thongs are not worth being late."

"Ugh. Fine. But if we don't, you have to wear some tomorrow."




"You can see top of them through your shirt. You know, the sexy red lace," Sunghoon told Jake very unhelpfully, enjoying Jake's misery and embarrassment.

Jake gave him the middle finger.

"Jungwonnie! Jake flipped me off!" Sunghoon whined to Jungwon.

"If it's any comfort, I think it's hot," Jay whispered into Jake's ear, hooking his hand around Jake's waist as he walked on the other side of the embarrassed boy. Jake blushed furiously, looking away.

"If the fact it's showing bothers you, I can give you my blazer," the American offered, sliding his blazer off and handing it to Jake.

The Aussie boy took it and put it on, feeling somewhat more comfortable now that the lace wasn't showing.


They had had the meeting, and spent most of the day practicing, where Jake had to sadly take off Jay's blazer. As a result of that, Sunghoon and Niki had been teasing him all day.

Oh and Jay had been looking at him like he wanted to devour him whole all day. Though Jake didn't mind this nearly as much as the teasing.

The Aussie boy was in his bedroom, changing into his pajamas when Jay came in. Jake was in nothing but the thongs, so he instantly tried to cover himself.

"Yah! Don't you know how to knock?! If you don't, I'll have someone teach you how to so you don't come across such an unseemly sight!" Jake cried.

"Who said this is unseemly? Like I told you this morning, it's hot," Jay said, coming closer and hooking two fingers into the waistband of the thongs.

"You really are very pretty, and very hot too," Jay whispered, tilting Jake's head upward by his chin before kissing him.

Jake gasped, taken aback, though eventually melting into the kiss. He hooked his arms around the American's neck, kissing him back with amazing intensity as he was picked up and put on a never-used desk. Jay moved his lips down onto Jake's neck, leaving love bites all over. He trailed kisses down to the Aussie's chest, latching onto his nipple. He sucked on them like he was trying to get milk from them, occasionally biting it.

Jake let out a breathy moan, "J-Jay, ah please f-fuck me already, ah."

Jay pulled off with a pop, "You that impatient, baby?"

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