Lost - Sunghoon x Enhypen

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It was one thing that Belift had finally let them travel to places they usually wouldn't, but it was another thing that they didn't speak any German or French or Italian. Therefore, they'd been told to stay together while exploring Switzerland.

But Sunghoon had, of course, gotten seperated. And he was now aimlessly wondering Zurich. He had no idea where he was, or where his members were. But they hadn't seemed to notice yet, and Sunghoon had put his phone in Riki's bag because his pockets were too shallow.

Fucking great.

"Hi, you're Sunghoon from Enhypen, right?" a woman with dark skin and curly hair asked in Korean, coming up to him.

"Yes, I am. Did you want a picture or an autograph or something?"

"Well, I am a huge fan, but my daughter is an even bigger fan," she said, gesturing to the small child hiding behind her legs.

Sunghoon crouched down to be level with the child, "Does she speak Korean too?"

"She does. My husband is Korean, so all three of us know it."

"Hi there kid. There's no need to hide, I'm not scary," he said gently to the girl.

"You're not? You're so big though," the girl said.

"Well I'm quite tall, yes, but I like to think I'm not that scary. My members don't seem to think I'm scary either."

"You won't be scary?"

"I won't be scary, kid. Come here, what's your name?"

"I'm Bae Kiera and I'm 3!"

"Well, Kiera, I'm Park Sunghoon and I'm 21!"

The girl giggled and came forward to hug Sunghoon. He hugged the girl gladly, melting on the inside at how cute she was.

"I heard your bandmates are also in Zurich, so where are they? Or did you come out all alone, which if you did, mind you, wouldn't have been a very smart decision because it's most likely you can't speak enough of any language they understand here," Kiera's mom asked him.

"Oh well you see, I'm kinda lost... I was with my bandmates and then I got lost," Sunghoon explained sheepishly.

"Oh okay, do you know where they might be?"

"No, and I don't have my phone on me currently. I left it in a member's bag."

"Honestly... You're worse than my husband... Do you remember which way you came from?"

"The last time I came from another street, there was a pink building with a bakery."

"Oh that's probably my cousin's bakery! Kiera knows the way better than me, she'll lead us there."

"Thank you so much! By the way, it's incredibly rude of me to have asked for Kiera's name and not yours."

"I'm Jasmin, but it's no biggie. We should be more worried that you're a really famous celebrity wondering the streets alone."

"Oh shi- Uh, I mean 'oh sugar' I sometimes forget that I'm famous, honestly."

"Mama, are you and Hoon coming or not?? I wanna go see auntie Jania!"

"Oh right, Kiera. Show me and Sunghoon the way then."

Kiera grabbed Sunghoon's hand best she could with her tiny one and started leading them to her auntie Jania's bakery.


"And then he was being such an idiot, isn't that right Hoon?" Riki said, telling a story as they walked towards the Lindt Chocolate Factory in Kilchberg.

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