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Xena was hurt and enraged. Mia's treason left her stunned. How could she have trusted a stranger? Was it because he was a good-looking and troubled young man? Xena hit her pillow with her fists rapidly and forcefully. The overwhelming thoughts of Mia and Felix together proved to be too much for her to bear. The intensity of her anger was heightened by the presence of tears in her eyes. She didn't cry. Despite her initial resistance, Xena tenderly caressed a photograph of Mia while gazing at it.

Xena's affection towards Mia surpassed her anger. Xena had harboured romantic feelings for Mia in secrecy since the age of 13. She had no notion when her love began. But now Xena was perturbed by the peculiar bond between Mia and Felix. She was jealous, terribly jealous. What motivated Mia to assist Felix? Was there a romantic interest on her part towards him?

Xena felt on the bed. A message arrived on her smartphone. It was from Mia. Xena's heartbeat quickened.

"What does Mia want of me? She must be enraged. However, I am as well. Shit. I have to read it."

"Could you please explain to me what happened, Xena? What was the reason for your intense anger? What is the reason for your reluctance to assist Felix? You're my best friend, my only friend, and I adore you. Kisses."

Xena's intense anger rendered her unable to respond to Mia. She'd rather not react until the following day. She wanted to compose herself before speaking with her again.

Mia returned home. Melissa, her mother, was waiting for her. At that particular moment, she had temporarily suspended her writing of the novel titled 'Passion on the Boat.'

Mia arrived with a sense of discouragement, which was quickly discerned by her mother.

"Hi, Mia. How did your day go?" asked her.

Mia was uncertain about the appropriate response to give her mother. Although she displayed sympathy, this particular circumstance could be overwhelming for her.

"Hi, Mom. I'm sad. I argued with Xena."


"She got upset because I wanted to aid Felix, a new friend."

"And who is that boy? What is the reason that motivates you to offer assistance to an unfamiliar person?"

"I am uncertain, Mom. I'm not sure I understand. What baffles me is Xena's exaggerated response."

Melissa did not respond immediately, but she was cognizant of the situation unfolding with Xena. She had a suspicion for an extended period that Xena had developed romantic feelings for Mia. However, she chose to refrain from disclosing this information.

"There is no need for concern regarding Xena. She loses her temper quickly."

"I certainly hope so," replied Mia with sadness.

"Mia, I made tacos with a generous amount of hot sauce, just like you like them. We can dine together."

"I hope that you don't mind, Mom. I'm going to dine with Felix. May I get some tacos for Felix and me?"

Melissa expressed concern.

"Mia, do you think it's safe to go to a stranger's house as soon as you meet him?"

"Don't worry, we'll be in a public place."

"Take care, then."

Mia arrived at Forestvale Manor. Felix was waiting for her, afraid that Mia wouldn't come back.

"I have brought tacos with hot sauce, Felix. I hope that you enjoy them."

"I don't know if I like them, but they smell good."

Felix gave the taco a shot. Initially, the piquancy caused discomfort in his mouth, but the exceptional taste promptly superseded it.

"Mia, this is fantastic."

Mia smiled.

"I'm glad you like it. It is one of my favourite dishes."

Mia and Felix were quiet after supper, sitting next to each other in an unusual connection. Mia began to feel drowsy and instinctively leaned her head on Felix's shoulder. He willingly embraced her with a sense of contentment.

The temperature in the room abruptly decreased, and a luminous source illuminated the guys. The ghost of a young woman manifested in their presence. She was enraged. Objects started flying around the room. Mia and Felix embraced each other and crept behind a piece of furniture. Suddenly, the room was filled with silence once again. Mia maintained her embrace of Felix and said:

"I present to you the ghost of Forestvale Manor."

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