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Mia and Felix's relationship continued to irritate Xena. She resolved to conduct her investigation. She believed it was crucial to speak with Rowena. Xena believed she knew something about Felix.

Upon arriving home, Xena decided to browse the internet for information about Rowena. She discovered that Rowena owned an occult shop in town and immediately left her house to go there. The store was located on the outskirts of town, on the ground level of a magnificent old stone house. Small artefacts, stones, amulets, tarot decks, and oracle cards were on display in the window. Xena couldn't help but wonder how many people wasted their time on such things. Nevertheless, she approached the door and slowly opened it.

Upon entering the establishment, Xena was overwhelmed by the chaotic order and exotic aromas - a blend of incense and patchouli - that filled the air. A mystical aura surrounded a slender woman with long brown hair who sat behind a beautiful counter at the rear of the room. Xena made her way towards the counter, where the woman greeted her with a big smile and said, 

"Thank you for visiting Rowena's World. My name is Tabitha Wilson, and I am honoured to serve you." 

Despite feeling nauseated by the emotional exaggeration, Xena chose to resist the urge to flee and asked gently, 

"Hello. If it's possible, I would like to speak with Rowena in person."

"Rowena is extremely busy right now," said Tabitha.

"I'll attend to the young lady."

Rowena walked out of the back room when she heard Xena's voice.

"As you wish, Rowena," Tabitha said.

"What is your first name?" Rowena asked Xena. 

"Xena," she replied.

"Come with me, Xena. Let's go somewhere quieter to discuss."

They entered the back room, which was surprisingly more organized than the store. There was a cosy, round table with a cloth draped over it and two comfortable chairs.

"Xena, what is your purpose here?" Rowena asked.

"Can you give me any information you have on Felix?" Xena requested.

Rowena burst into laughter.

"You're a direct young woman, and I like that. Unfortunately, I cannot disclose any information about Felix for your safety," Rowena replied.

"I don't want to hear about safety. Who is Felix, and what does he want with Mia?" Xena demanded, her eyes filling with angry tears.

Rowena's eyes softened.

"Ah, I see, Xena. You are a lesbian who is madly in love with Mia."

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