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In the bustling kitchen, Mia was meticulously chopping a variety of colourful vegetables with an expert hand. The tantalizing aroma of sautéing onions drifted through the air, filling the room with a mouth-watering scent. Felix stood by her side, his eyes transfixed on her every move. He watched in awe as she deftly wielded the sharp knife, her movements fluid and graceful. The rhythmic sound of the blade tapping against the wooden cutting board filled the space, creating a soothing melody.

"So, what exactly are we cooking?" Felix inquired, a faint smile on his lips.

"We're making chicken and vegetable stir-fry," Mia said as she handed him a knife. "I'm going to teach you how to cook, Felix."

Mia noticed Felix's eyes shining with a mysterious emotion she couldn't identify, which only added to his already charming demeanour. Together, they worked in the kitchen, chopping the vegetables, seasoning the chicken, and frying everything in a pan. The silence between them was peaceful, but the sexual tension was undeniable. It was thick and heavy, and Mia couldn't help but hope that Felix was feeling it too.

When the dinner was ready, Mia placed it on the table and they sat down to eat. Mia couldn't help but be captivated by Felix as the discussion flowed freely between them. He was so confident and charming that she found herself becoming increasingly attracted to him.

Mia and Felix started talking while having dinner. Felix asked Mia about his country and her city since he didn't know anything about the place where he was.

Mia explained:

"I'm from this town, Glouminster, which is a beautiful town located in the north of Ablington Island, an independent country in the North Sea, near England. The harbour is filled with fishing boats, ferries, and other vessels, and the streets are made up of cobbled stones. Glouminster is a popular tourist destination during summer, with lots of fun activities to enjoy. The beaches and the 16th-century lighthouse are a must-visit, especially if you want to catch the sunset - it's a view you won't forget!"

"Wow, that sounds like a great place! What other attractions does Glouminster have? I barely walked down this street to shop at the nearest store..."

"There are plenty! Inland, there are picturesque fields and woodlands, and lots of dusty village lanes and sleepy hamlets. It is a charming place, perfect for those wanting a slower pace of life. It's also a great spot for nature lovers - you can spot seals, dolphins, and even whales in the waters around Glouminster."

"And what about Ablington Island and other cities?"

"Ablington is a small island nation. Our population is no more than 300,000 people. We are a diverse mix of natives and immigrants, many of whom are of British, Irish, and Scandinavian descent. We are a close-knit community that takes pride in our independence. Artshel is the capital. It has a river, the city is busy harmonizing ancient and modern. From historical sites, we have Ablington Palace and we have modern venues such as the Mall of Ablington. Other cities include Nivween, located near the coastal coast, and Edwaar, located in the north and home to several great universities and research institutions."

Mia's eyes shone when she talked about her country.

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