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Mia drove Xena home while her mother attended a book signing, and her father was probably still at work.

They had not said anything along the way. Mia lent Xena some of her clothing. Xena attempted to make a joke.

"Your clothes have way too many colours."

"I know, but it's what I have."

Mia embraced Xena, sinking onto the bed next to her.

"Xena, how are you?"

"I am fucked and afraid. How will I be, Mia?" Xena commented, a smile playing on her lips as she caressed her lover's cheek.

"You are accurate. That is a foolish question. I apologize. It is entirely my fault."

"No, it's all Ryan and his fucking cult's fault."

Mia looked at Xena, impressed by her bravery.

"Aren't you scared I'll attack you and drink your blood?" Mia asked, half teasing and half serious.

"If I am going to be attacked by a vampire, I would rather it be you. You are not a psychopath, Mia."

"I don't know who I am anymore. I briefly pondered attacking you and consuming your blood. I am a monster."

Xena hugged Mia.

"You are not a monster; you will be able to vanquish the darkness. I'm going to help you."

Xena touched Mia's face before kissing her lips. Mia found herself lost in the moment, suddenly with Xena on the bed, straddling her, caressing her body with a fervent desire. Xena surrendered herself to Mia's will, relinquishing control. Mia stood up and started to undress.

"Xena, please take off your clothes."

Xena chuckled in agreement.

Mia drew Xena back onto the bed, showering her with kisses and tender caresses across her exposed form. She sought her beloved and wanted to escape the ritual's uneasiness. Xena's moans of pleasure filled the room. She wanted to please Mia, but Mia refused, feeling unworthy of such pleasure at that moment. When Xena was at her peak of pleasure and wanted Mia to enjoy it, she wouldn't let her.

"No way, Xena. Leave it there. I do not deserve it."

Mia dressed and started cooking dinner.

Melissa observed Arthur arriving from the real estate agency. He seemed exhausted, but she couldn't wait to talk to him.

"Arthur, do you have time for me? I need to talk with you. It's all about Mia."

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