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While Mia and Ryan were talking, a startled Xena appeared. Ryan greeted her cordially.

"Welcome, Xena. How are you doing?"

"Stop bullshiting and set Mia free."

"Mia can leave whenever she wants. Do you see she is bound?"

Xena turned to face Mia. She told Xena:

"Xena, I am here freely."

Xena ignored Mia.

"I'm sure you brought her here to discuss your favourite topic, the Heir of Darkness nonsense. Why are you hunting for an heir if you already have one?" In an outcry, Xena inquired.

Mia was surprised by Xena's remarks. Ryan replied:

"Xena, you don't get anything. Mia must be the mother, according to the prophecy."

"That is total crap. I can show that the prophecy is false."

Ryan blushed, but he continued:

"I'd like to see those alleged proofs you claim to have."

"If you let Mia go, I'll show you the evidence tomorrow."

Mia spoke up.

"Ryan doesn't have to let me go because I'm here voluntarily."

Ryan stated:

"Mia, don't even try. She won't believe you."

"I don't think I can ever believe in you, Ryan," Xena shouted.

Ryan averted his gaze, as if offended by the comment. He instantly recovered and said:

"Alright, Xena. Let's meet tomorrow at 6 p.m. in the attic at Forestvale Manor."

"That is alright with me. Are you coming with me, Mia, or staying with your new friend Ryan?"

"Xena, I will accompany you. We need to keep communicating, Ryan."

"Sure, Mia," Ryan said, smiling as he moved to the back of the attic.

Xena was outraged by Mia's attitude, so she grabbed a candle holder and slammed Ryan behind the head with all her might, knocking him down. Mia shouted and dashed over to him.

"Ryan, are you okay?"

Xena said seriously:

"Either you come with me, or I don't want to know anything else about you."

"You are a savage, Xena. You appear to have chosen the road of Darkness over the Light."

"I feel the same way, Mia. You have some unsuitable friends."

Ryan started to sit up.

"How are you?" Mia inquired.

"I'm okay. Go with your girlfriend. Xena, you can't deny your genes."

Mia turned to confront Xena, who was scowling at Ryan. Xena stated:

Come on, Mia. I do not want to hear any more nonsense."

Mia turned to Ryan, who smiled and said she could take it easy.

As they left the mansion, Mia asked Xena:

"Please explain everything to me. Nothing makes sense to me."

"Let's go to your house, and I'll explain everything to you along the way."

"Okay. I am paying attention."

"Rowena gave me the Liber so I could read it thoroughly. I observed that the final four pages, which were an epilogue, were missing. I started looking and came across them."

"Where did you find them?" Mia inquired.

"It doesn't matter," Xena said, then altering the topic. "The truth is that I have them, and on these pages, I read that everything in The Liber is a work of fiction. A prophecy does not exist. As a result, Mia, you're free from all that nonsense."

"This is unbelievable!"

"Although it may seem so, it is not the case. I have saved the papers and will present them to everyone tomorrow."

They arrived at Mia's home. Xena stated:

"Tell your mother so she won't freak out. I'll advise mine and Rowena that she should not be concerned."

Mia agreed, her mind filled with thoughts, especially about Ryan and Xena's conversation. Xena, which Heir of Darkness were you referring to? And why did Ryan mention Xena's genes? Did Ryan know Laura? It wasn't so strange after all because his father and Laura had known each other since they were in university. Perhaps they connected through Arthur. Mia was full of more questions than answers. Xena went without kissing Mia.

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