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Mia sat across from Rowena, eagerly listening as she related the story of the Battle of Light and Darkness.

"The Liber Summae Scientiae, an old arcane text, revealed the Battle of Light and Darkness. According to legend, it was penned millennia ago by a powerful wizard and prophet. The book was retrieved by your great-grandfather, Frank Richardson, and is currently in the possession of the Light Cult, of which he was the founder," Rowena remarked.

Mia is completely taken aback.

"Did my great-grandfather have any connection to magic? He founded the Light Cult. What exactly is the Light Cult?

"I will explain everything to you, but first I will continue to tell you about the battle. The battle was fought between the powerful forces of light and darkness. The war was planned to take place across dimensions, between entire worlds, and even beyond galaxies. The light provided righteousness and calm, but the darkness brought wrath, chaos, and boundless power. Conflicts have existed since the beginning of time. Battles had been won by both the light and the dark, with one side occasionally outperforming the other. However, the most crucial part of the conflict is still to unfold. For the light to triumph, both sides must collaborate. This meant that light and darkness had to work together to win. Because Liber's ultimate secret is that light cannot exist without darkness, and vice versa," Rowena explained.

"Why did my great-grandfather create the Light Cult?" Mia inquired.

"He had various reasons for founding this powerful and enigmatic cult, including a deep desire to secure the ultimate victory of light over darkness. But Frank was always eager to study and understand more about the world, delving into ancient texts and exploring mystical realms with fervour. Throughout his studies, he became captivated by Liber. He discovered through his study of the Liber that the light could not triumph over the darkness unless they were in perfect balance. He also realized that, despite their best efforts, the people of light had weaknesses. Similarly, those in the darkness were not beyond redemption. Frank was determined to bring balance to the world using his newfound knowledge and insight."

"This is an intriguing theory. Please continue," Mia said.

"Frank began to explore and learn about other realms through the portal beneath Forestvale Manor, which he had ordered erected. During his exploration, he understood that the world could only exist if there was a perfect balance of light and darkness. To reach a perfect balance, it was necessary to abandon absolutism and embrace harmony, both of which were important doctrines of the Light Cult from that point forward."

"Forestvale Manor was built by my great-grandfather. How did I not realize this?"

"You were also unaware that he was a wizard of light magic. This is a lengthy explanation, and we do not have much time. He wanted to harness that power while also shielding it from the masters of darkness by acquiring the land and building Forestvale Manor."

"This is overwhelming for me," Mia confessed, feeling a mix of confusion, apprehension, and a surge of curiosity as she tried to process the newfound information.

"I know, Mia, but you need to know because you play an important role in this battle."

"Me? What role do I play in this battle?"

"Yes, but I'll explain later. You must travel to join the Shadow Cult. But be cautious. Ryan poses a significant threat. In any event, I am confident in you and your magical skills."

"I don't have magical power."

"You have magical power within you, lying dormant. Be aware of it and use it for the sake of light."

Mia shared with Xena what Rowena had taught her about the battle of light and darkness, expressing her determination to contact Rowena for additional information and guidance. Xena listened closely and was determined to contact Rowena later for further information and how she might assist.

Mia took a step closer to Xena, and her breath stuck in her throat. Mia could feel Xena shaking as they stood mere inches apart, her gaze angry. Mia moved in closer, wrapping her arms around Xena's waist. She took a deep breath in, enjoying the exquisite aroma of Xena's skin, before leaning in and brushing her lips against Xena's.

Mia started the kiss softly and tenderly, gently exploring Xena's lips with her own. Xena responded immediately, wrapping her arms around Mia's neck and deepening the kiss. Their tongues became entwined as their hearts raced, and they elevated the kiss to new heights.

Mia slid one hand through Xena's hair, pushing it closer as her kisses became more frantic and passionate. Xena reciprocated, her hands running over Mia's body as they examined each other's lips and tongues.

The kiss seemed to continue forever, and when they finally parted, they were both panting for oxygen. Xena looked into Mia's eyes and saw genuine emotion in her face. They had just shared something magnificent, and Mia knew it would impact her life forever.

Ryan smiled as he approached the cult's entrance to greet Mia, watching everything that happened between the two females through a window. 

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