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Two months later, Mia wrote on her laptop:

'Dear Wattpad readers. Today, I'm writing to let you know that I'm pregnant and will soon be the mother of a gorgeous girl. I'm both excited and nervous because having a child is a big responsibility. I will try to complete my new book before the baby is born since I will have less time to write after the birth. I love you.'

Within minutes, hundreds of people congratulated her. Mia was relieved to rely on the devotion of these people, who, although she didn't know most of them, offered her encouraging words and unwavering attention daily.

A few days later, Melissa visited Ryan in jail. Upon her arrival, she handed him a set of ultrasounds sent by Mia.

"It's a girl," she informed him.

Ryan replied with a happy expression. He couldn't wait to meet his daughter and be a part of her life, even if it had to be from behind bars.

"A girl. She'll be my princess," he whispered to himself, feeling a surge of love and responsibility for the child he had yet to meet. Despite his circumstances, Ryan was determined to be the best father he could be.

Melissa couldn't help but smile at his words, despite the sombre circumstances.

Xena and Brisa started dating. Brisa was aware of Xena's situation and avoided kissing her, despite her desire. That day, they were sitting on the bed in Xena's campus room. They were drinking passion fruit juice.

"Do you like it, Xena?" Brisa inquired. "I enjoy it. It reminds me of my homeland."

"Do you long for it?" Xena asked. "I assumed you already regarded Ablington Island as your home nation."

"Ablington is also my home. I grew up here. But I am familiar with Isla Soleada because my mother and I visit there every two years for a month. You should look at the street animation and the weather. Artshel and Ablington in general are nice, but I miss the bustle and energy of Soleada's narrow streets."

Xena replied:

"I dislike the rush and bustle, but it is undeniably a lovely place. Do you know where Glouminster is? It is quite beautiful."

"No, but I would like to go with you."

Brisa's seductive lips came closer to Xena's face.

"I want to kiss you, Xena."

Xena blushed and whispered:

"I would like that too."

Brisa initially brushed against Xena's lips, as if she were a delicate, wet feather, leading Xena to feel aroused. Their kiss deepened, sparking a passion that took both of them by surprise. Xena felt a rush of desire and surrendered to the moment, losing herself in Brisa's embrace. She desired Brisa. Of course, she couldn't make her feel like Mia did just by glancing at her, but the experience was wonderful. Xena enjoyed the kiss. They discarded their clothes on the floor, looking for hidden corners of one another, as if pleasure was all that mattered. Perhaps pleasure wasn't enough, but, as Xena pointed out, neither was love, so why not live in the moment? Perhaps mutual affection developed later.

The months passed quite quickly. Then came the big moment. Melissa transported Mia to the hospital. Her grandmother accompanied them nervously.

The delivery was quick, and Mia gave birth to her baby without any complications. The delivery was quick, and Mia was soon in the room with her baby. Mia couldn't contain her tears of joy as she held her newborn daughter for the first time. The baby had a head full of dark hair, just like her father, Ryan. Melissa and her grandmother stood nearby. Mia pondered how Ryan would react when he met his daughter, anticipating his joy and excitement. She knew he'd be ecstatic. Mia missed Xena as well. How would she be?

As the door creaked open, Mia raised her head in amazement to see who had entered the room. She was astounded to see who was there.

"Xena. Are you here, or am I dreaming?"

Xena stepped up to the bed. Melissa and Grandma had already departed.

"I am here. Mia, how could I have missed this moment? I couldn't do it."

Xena looked at the girl. She was lovely, with dark hair and the same large blue eyes as Mia.

"Xena, please, meet Scarlett."


AUTHOR'S NOTE: Dear readers, this is the end of FORESTVALE MANOR, but it is the beginning of another story, DAGON MANSION, which is its sequel. What will happen to Mia and Xena? How will Ryan react when he meets his daughter? What new stories will happen in Dagon Mansion, Ryan's family mansion? What kind of girl will Scarlett be? Read it to find out. :) 

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