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Mia went over the college grounds, perusing her tablet as she considered what she needed to do to stay ahead in her classes. Her thoughts strayed as she walked, and she gazed into the distance. She was right there. At the library's main entrance.


They had been away for four months, and the first glimpse of her warmed Mia's heart with love and affection. She felt the same overwhelming sense that appeared to encompass the two at all times as if the mere sight of one another cast an unbreakable thread of love and protection that would never break.

Xena's eyes met Mia's. Her feelings for Mia remained unchanged after four months. She had an immense desire to hug her and kiss her lips. She was in love with Mia, and nothing could separate them. Mia felt protected and adored as Xena approached. She felt loved and adored at the time, and Xena's presence gave her comfort.

"Xena," Mia said. "How are things going for you?"

Xena's heart raced as she looked into Mia's flawless features. She longed to tell her to stop the small talk and kiss her.

"Good," Xena finally said. "And how about you?"

Mia paused for a moment, lost in Xena's gaze. All thoughts of studying, battle, and Ryan faded away.

"I'm doing fine, too," Mia replied, smiling.

Xena couldn't resist the urge any longer.

"Why don't we go talk in the cafeteria?" she proposed. "We have so much to say to one another."

Mia's smile made Xena melt. She wanted nothing more than to kiss, caress, and make love to her.

When they arrived at the cafeteria and placed their orders, they began conversing. They were shy at first, but as they talked animatedly about their studies and shared tiny anecdotes from day to day, they both realized they were having fun. They were both having fun like two girls their age, free of the burdens and perils that others had placed on their shoulders.

Xena said:

"Mia, it feels like we're meeting for the first time. I'm enjoying this sensation."

Mia replied:

"I feel the same way."

Xena suggested:

"Why don't we consider this a new beginning for us? I know we have battles and challenges ahead, but for now, let's enjoy our student lives and be happy, okay?"

Mia took Xena's hand and said:

"Yes, Xena. I agree."

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