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At an early hour, Xena and Rowena were strolling along the empty beach.

"Rowena, I've been reading about other dimensions, both in books and on the internet, and I've discovered a plausible scientific basis that makes the issue more interesting to me."

Rowena grinned and inquired of Xena:

"I'm intrigued by what you're saying. What exactly do you want from me?"

"I'd like to visit one of those dimensions. I've given it some thought; it's not a crazy idea, and I believe you could make the 'travel' safe."

"I'm honored by your trust, Xena. If you wish, we can perform the ritual at Forestvale Manor today. It has to be there because it's the island's only dimensional doorway."


A voice yelled out Xena's name before she could respond. It was Mia. Xena was waiting for her because she had received a message from Mia minutes before Rowena arrived. Mia was relieved when Xena told her where she was and that she was waiting for Rowena because she wanted to chat with both of them. And now Mia had arrived. As stunning as ever, she wore short jeans that complemented her statuesque figure. Xena came out in a hot sweat from excitement. Xena wished to hug and kiss Mia.

"Hi, Mia," said Xena.

"Hi, Xena. Hello, Rowena."

Rowena said:

"Hello, Mia," amusedly, staring at the two girls.

"Xena, I apologize for our argument the other day; I didn't want to listen to you, and you were right."

Xena had forgiven Mia the instant she stormed away.

"It's all right. Everything is fine."

Mia hugged Xena and kissed her on the cheek. Xena was drawn to Mia's unique scent, wanting her even more.

Mia turned to Rowena and said:

"Rowena, I finished reading Eliza's diary. I know everything. I also know Felix plans to contact Eliza tonight. Isn't that risky? I'm concerned about Felix's safety."

"Don't be concerned, Mia. This meeting must take place, and it will benefit all of us."

Mia exhaled deeply.

"Okay. Rowena, I'll put my trust in you. Do you want to go grab something to eat, Xena?"

Xena wanted to go more than anything, but she had to accompany Rowena.

"I'm sorry, Mia, but I can't go. I need to do something important with Rowena."

Mia is disappointed, but she smiles nevertheless.

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