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Xena was in Forestvale Manor's attic. Rowena let her go to the balance dimension since she knew she needed to prepare for combat. She needed to uncover her particular power. As Xena began to focus, she could feel energy building inside of her. She closed her eyes and concentrated on tapping into her inner strength. Suddenly, a surge of power erupted from within her, surrounding her in a shimmering aura. She knew then that she was ready to face whatever challenge awaited her.

Xena entered the Balance Dimension with a positive outlook. She felt at peace there. The dense foliage encompassed Xena, and she observed behind some green trees the ruins of a rotting edifice that piqued her interest several times. The ruins appeared to conceal ancient mysteries, whispering tales of forgotten knowledge that intrigued Xena. As she drew closer, a rush of exhilaration surged within her, fueled by the anticipation of uncovering long-lost secrets.

When she entered the structure, she was overpowered by an unknown force. It felt like a whirlwind of energy swirling around her, threatening to knock her off balance. Xena fought to maintain her footing, her instincts urging her to stand firm and defy the overwhelming magical force. Xena had no option but to accept that she was not alone in the ruins, and she needed to find out who or what was causing this powerful presence. She steeled herself for whatever lay ahead, determined to uncover the truth behind the mysterious force within the decaying walls. Out of the shadows, an old lady materialized before Xena, her form emerging like a spectre from the darkness.

"What are you doing here?" she asked.

"I am Xena," she replied confidently, her voice unwavering despite the eerie atmosphere. The old lady's eyes widened in recognition.

"Then this is your place. You've come here countless times but never entered."

"I didn't have enough time," replied Xena.

"I understand, girl. You are courageous."

The old lady gestured for Xena to follow her, leading her deeper into the ruins.

"I want to know everything," said Xena.

"You will know. When you walk through that door, you will realize what your gift is. But be cautious. You're from the darkness and wish to come into the light. That is great, but also perilous. May your love lead you to achieve the impossible."

"Ma'am, I appreciate your warnings. I'm going inside now."

"Good luck on your journey, Xena. May your courage guide you through the unknown paths that lie ahead."

"Thank you."

Approaching the ancient structure's only remaining door, Xena opened it and discovered something astounding inside.

An old, enormous mirror hung in the ancient chamber, its exquisite frame peeking out through moth-eaten cobwebs. The mirror had aged over time, acquiring an almost hazy shine, its glass shifting and extending as if it were reflecting an infinite stormy sky. It was about an oval shape, four feet tall and two feet wide, with perfect curves and swirls in a golden tint along its exterior edges. The mirror was previously intricately patterned, with the carved wood depicting a flowering forest and a river flowing through it.

Xena took a step closer, almost scared to breathe, and scrutinized the smooth surface.

Xena recognized her physical appearance and inner self in the mirror. She recognized her true self. She noticed her pale appearance and angular features. She saw determination and strength in her eyes, as well as the darkness that lurked in her soul. Xena felt a sense of awe and realization wash over her as she stared at her reflection, seeing both her physical appearance and inner self laid bare before her. The mirror seemed to hold a deeper truth about who she was, prompting her to confront the complexities of her own identity.

She realized that the time had come to embrace her dark power, acknowledging that it was an integral part of who she was and a force she could no longer ignore. She realized it wasn't a burden but a power that could be utilized for good or evil. It was a gift, like her strength and courage, that could be used to benefit those in need or to destroy those who deserved it.

Before making her decision, Xena took a deep, calming breath, centring herself on what lay ahead. She decided to fully accept her dark power, to use it as she saw appropriate, and to act without hesitation. She closed her eyes and said:

"I want to receive my power."

A dazzling beam of black-and-white light emanated from the enigmatic mirror, penetrating Xena's chest with a surge of energy that seemed to awaken every fibre of her being. The power surged through her veins, filling her with a sense of empowerment she had never felt before. As the light faded, Xena opened her eyes, ready to wield her newfound abilities with purpose and determination.

"Now I can help Mia."

Xena's dark power was incredibly potent. She could generate a powerful protective barrier to defend anyone she wanted. As Xena departed, a sense of satisfaction mingled with the weight of a tremendous responsibility to master her newfound power.

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