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Ryan was waiting for Mia at the doorway.

"Welcome to the Circle of Knowledge, Mia," Ryan said as she entered.

"Thank you, Ry," Mia said with a grin she believed was genuine.

As Mia entered the mansion, she finally took notice of the luxurious surroundings she had overlooked before. The hall of the mansion exuded both captivating beauty and an underlying sense of unease. The shadows on the walls twisted and expanded with the wind, looming larger and more menacing, creating an unsettling atmosphere. A grand staircase stood in the middle of the hall, with crimson carpet on the marble steps and a twisting handrail of stained oak. Tapestries and pictures adorned the walls.

Ryan took Mia by the arm and led her to an intricately carved door with a single gold handle at the corridor's far end. The chamber was decorated with weird symbol paintings. Mia agreed to Ryan's offer and settled into one of the lavishly appointed seats. He sat beside her in another chair, ignoring the massive oak table.

"I think you'll have hundreds of questions regarding our organization, Mia. Now is the moment to tackle them."

"Why did you decide to found the Circle of Knowledge, Ry?" she inquired, leaning back into the plush cushions of her seat.

"I believe that information is necessary in people's lives, and it may be the most important thing. In this hostile and deceptive environment, preparation and understanding are crucial. Of course, I am referring to knowledge of capital letters, which is not what most people study. I'm talking about knowledge that empowers you."

"I see you have a negative view of the world. Not everything is bad. There are still many positive aspects to focus on," said Mia.

Ryan delivers a sad smile.

"Dear girl. You may have been fortunate. Perhaps you've lived with your eyes closed to reality. But I will teach you about reality and how to fight yourself against it."

Ryan's words hung heavy in the air as Mia contemplated his perspective. She knew there was truth in what he said, but she also believed in the power of positivity and resilience. Ryan stared into Mia's eyes as if he didn't want to miss a single detail of her expressions, as if he could read her soul.

Mia began to have anxiety. Ryan's stare made her feel unsafe. She did not want to see the Shadow Cult's darkness again. As she looked away, Mia took a deep breath and reminded herself of her strength and determination. She knew she could overcome any darkness that came her way.

Ryan continued to say:

"I was a clever child, but my father was never content with what I accomplished. Everything culminated when, at the age of six, I was sent to a strict, disciplinary boarding school.

Some of my most terrible childhood memories occurred there. Teachers, for example, often physically reprimand students for minor violations with little or no warning. The experience left a lasting impact on me, shaping my views on authority and discipline.

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