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The following day, Xena responded to Mia's message. She was more relaxed, although she was still a little jealous. She met Mia at the customary cafeteria. Mia appeared soon.

"She's beautiful," Xena thought as she gazed at her beautiful face and bare legs.

"Hi, Xena. Mia said apologetically." I'm sure you're still angry. I honestly have no idea what happened. But please accept my apologies. Why don't you want to help Felix?"

Xena frowned at the mention of Felix's name, but she didn't want to fight Mia anymore.

"I, too, Mia, have no idea what happened. It was an outburst of rage. But one thing is clear to me. I don't trust Felix."

"I understand why you're feeling that way, Xena. I feel compelled to assist him because I believe he is sincere. He's puzzled and disoriented. We want to be psychologists. I'd like to give him a chance because we may need to assist patients with this problem."

"Yes. Perhaps I'm simply being overly protective. I'll make an effort to be more understanding." said Xena.

Mia smiled. She was relieved to make peace with Xena. For Mia, her friendship with Xena was very important.

"I appreciate your comprehension. Let's just get this over with and eat lunch."

During their meal, they engaged in a discussion regarding the upcoming academic year. Xena held the belief that their relationship had been restored to its previous state of normalcy. She was relieved that they had discussed their issues and reached an agreement. She did, however, intend to keep an eye out for Felix.

"I have something to tell you, Xena. Felix and I spotted the ghost of the mansion. She was a young woman who was enraged. She started flinging stuff about the room."

Xena kept a close eye on Mia.

"Are you serious?"

"I know it sounds unbelievable, but it happened. I can guarantee you that the ghost exists, Xena." 

Later, Xena and Mia reached Forestvale Manor. Mia brought Felix additional drinks and snacks.

"Felix. We've arrived." Mia shouted.

From behind, a lady approached them.

"Who is Felix, and what are you doing here?"

Mia and Xena turn around, scared. Earlier, Xena calmed down and remarked sarcastically:

"Is she the ghost, Mia?"

"A ghost?" The woman asked.

"Xena, she's flesh and blood, not a ghost, can't you see?" said Mia.

The attractive black woman in her forties approached them and asked once more:

"What's the ghost story? Please tell me." 

Felix arrived before they had a chance to answer.

"Guys. What's going on? Who is she?"

"My name is Rowena, and I believe you are Felix. I was looking for you." 

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