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When they got to the police station, Theolinda asked Mia:

"Do you want a glass of water?"

Mia smiled gratefully at Theo.

"Yes, thanks."

Meanwhile, Mia reflected on the nightmare that had become her life. She had been unfaithful to Xena, witnessed Terra's horrific demise, and now faced Ryan's incarceration, a series of events that haunted her. Mia expected the outcome and believed justice was served, yet she felt sympathy for Ryan. She'd been naked in his arms not long before, and... Mia's thoughts were interrupted as Brady arrived with the water.

"Mia, your water. I can tell you're quite shaken. So you were in a relationship with Ryan, right?"

Mia glanced at Theo through tears. 

"Ryan and I..."

Rogers appeared, expressing joy at the arrest.

"We've already got him. Plus, he admitted everything. What a relief to know that all of those people are going to jail."

Mia inquired:

"How long could Ryan be imprisoned for?"

"This individual would be condemned to life in jail. Miss Richardson, you were unconcerned when we captured your father. Love is blind..."

Mia stayed mute. Theolinda said:

"Rogers, you are always so insensitive. Don't you see how affected the girl is?"

"Okay, I understand. I just have one question. How did you enter the house? We've been monitoring it closely for a while."

Mia said:

"We entered through a secret door. May I go home, please?" She murmured while glancing at Brady.

"Of course, Mia."

"Thank you."

Mia showered and changed her clothes when she got home. She sat on her bed, clutching her knees and sobbing. What would she do? How would she tell Xena what happened with Ryan?

A message had come. It was Xena's. She believed Mia was still at the convention. Mia did not respond.

Ryan was promptly transported to Artshel's maximum-security jail.

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