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Rowena's assertions left a profound impression on all present, particularly especially Felix.

Felix inquired, "Do you know who I am?"

"No, but I'm looking for you. Please leave us alone so that we can chat."

"Let's go, Mia," Xena remarked, relieved that Mia would be away from Felix for a short while. Mia directed her gaze towards Felix.

"Mia, you can go," he said with a gentle gesture. "The woman appeared to be friendly. She may possess information about me."

"Okay, however, we will be waiting outside."

Xena and Mia walked away.

"We're already on our own, Ma'am. What do you want of me?" Felix stated.

"I am pleased to see that you have arrived, Felix. Despite her utmost efforts, your mother is unable to establish communication with you. I helped her bring you here," the woman said.

"But who is my mother? Firstly, I must tell you of a certain matter. I don't recall anything from before; I only know my name and have no idea where I am."

Rowena took a moment to reflect. "Every magical act has consequences. This time, it was memory loss."

"Magic? What exactly do you mean? Are you crazy?"

"No, Felix. There is magic, and I've been taught how to utilize it. I'm a witch and clairvoyant, I can tap into supernatural forces and perceive events beyond the realm of ordinary perception. I assist spirits in their quest for peace."

Felix didn't know what to think. Rowena's words stumped him.

"Ma'am, I'm perplexed. You who am I; if it's not too much trouble, tell me. Nothing makes sense to me."

"All I know is that your name is Felix, that you are the son of Eliza, the ghost who inhabits this house, and that you come from an alternate dimension."

Xena and Mia remained outside.

"I'm coming in, Xena. I can't wait any longer."

"Let them speak for themselves, Mia. Perhaps that woman can help him."

"She is an odd lady. You noticed her."

"Mia, you know I'm harmless, and many people think I'm odd," Xena said smiling.

Mia laughed.

"Sometimes you're not harmless..."

"You are correct if you are referring to the incident where I protected us from the two guys who had bad intentions. I assure you that I would not hesitate to do it again," Xena stated.

Mia embraced Xena tightly. Xena gratefully received the exhilarating physical contact that she had been yearning for. Mia suddenly and unexpectedly let go of Xena. Rowena departed the house without saying anything to the girls. After a few minutes, Felix appeared with a startled expression. As Mia took his arm she asked:

"What is the matter, Felix? What is that lady aware of?"

"Nothing. She mistook me for someone else," he responded evasively.

"Are you sure?" Xena expressed her doubt.

"Indeed, Xena. I have no idea when you will put your trust in me."

On the contrary, Felix was aware of the fact that he was being untruthful. Rowena told him that he would not reveal any information to the girls or anybody else in return for putting him in touch with her mother to provide a comprehensive explanation. 

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