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Mia and Xena were on their way home from Forestvale Manor. Mia was thoughtful and reserved. They walked slowly, Xena slightly ahead of Mia, and Mia walking behind with a heavy heart and slow steps. Although the sky looks clear above, a heavy feeling of dread hangs in the air, as though a storm is about to approach.

Xena stated:

"I don't want to bother you, but I believe Felix did not tell the whole truth."

Mia came to a halt, looked her friend in the eyes, and replied:

"You're correct. I couldn't take my mind off the problem. Felix was odd."

"Mia, we need to figure out what's happening. Who is this woman? I'm interested in learning more about her. Is it possible that she is related to Felix?"

Mia was shocked. She felt a weight in her chest.

"Is she a threat to him? What do you think?"

"Mia, I'm not sure if she's a threat or someone close to him. We need to create a strategy."

Mia's daring spirit returned. She briefly felt weak, but she wasn't like that, so she knew she had to act.

Afterwards, Mia found herself unable to stop thinking about Felix. His face was vividly imprinted in her mind, and she couldn't help but acknowledge his exceptional attractiveness – he was possibly one of the most attractive men she had ever encountered. However, Mia decided to keep her plan to visit Forestvale Manor the next day a secret from Xena, as she mistrusted Felix and feared that her involvement with him might complicate things.

Mia arrived at Forestvale Manor's gates early the next morning, sweating profusely due to the high humidity and her nerves.

"Felix, are you there?"

Mia wandered through the large mansion, her footsteps echoing through the empty halls. She called out, but only the silence of the empty rooms answered her back. She couldn't shake off the feeling that the house was guiding her, and so she climbed up the stairs, the old wooden steps creaking beneath her feet. 

Finally, she arrived at the attic, and as she pushed open the door, a musty smell greeted her. The room was filled with boxes, trunks, and old furniture, but everything was neatly arranged as if someone had spent hours organizing it. Mia couldn't help but admire the setting. 

As her eyes roamed over the various items in the attic, she noticed a stack of books in one corner. She eagerly made her way towards them, her fingers running over the spines of the old tomes. Each book was unique, filled with stories and ideas that had stood the test of time. But then, one book caught her eye. It had a crimson cover, which seemed to glow in the dim light of the room. 

Mia picked up the book and ran her fingers over the cover. It was soft to the touch, and as she opened it, she was met with the smell of aged pages. The words inside were written in elegant script, and as she began to read, she was transported to another world. Mia took it out and read:

"Eliza's Diary. On my first day at Forestvale Manor, I began this diary. I'm madly in love. Ryan is a fascinating and gorgeous man who performs magic. He exudes danger, which intrigues me..."

"Mia, what exactly are you doing?"

Mia was so absorbed in her book, so lost in the world of Eliza that she hadn't heard Felix. She responds, surprised:

"Felix, I didn't notice you coming. I'm reading a woman's diary, her name was Eliza. She could be the phantom woman."

"I've read that book, Mia, and it makes no difference. It's not even written by that woman, it's garbage. Why not go downstairs? I want to show you everything I bought."

Mia left the book where she found it and went downstairs with Felix. He showed her the food and drinks he had bought from a neighbouring store. He then said to her, 

"Rowena is assisting me. She gave me cash. She's an excellent person." 

Mia was amazed by this, but she remained quiet. 

Mia's eyes widened in amazement as she gazed upon the charcoal stove before her. Its sleek, black design made it look like a piece of modern art, and she couldn't help but admire the craftsmanship that went into its creation. However, despite her admiration for the stove, she found herself feeling a bit uncertain about how to use it.After a moment of hesitation, she turned to Felix and asked him for help. 

"Felix," she said, "I'm not entirely sure how to cook with this charcoal stove. Can you show me how it's done?"

"Of course," Felix replied. "Let's see what we can make."

Felix was filled with happiness. He had grown fond of Mia and was thankful that Xena hadn't come along, as it allowed them to spend time alone. He secretly hoped that Mia would forget the book, as he believed it was better for her to remain unaware, at least for now.

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