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Arthur Richardson closed the real estate office door with a definite click. It was the end of the workday. Rhonda, one of Glouminster's gossiper women, approached him as he turned to begin walking.

" Hello, Mr. Richardson. I'd like to congratulate you."

Arthur was astonished.

"Why do you want to congratulate me?"

"I had no notion your daughter had a boyfriend. He's a very gorgeous young man, tall with long hair. Isn't the boy from out of town? Because I have never met him."

Arthur was speechless. Of course, he didn't know anything, but he chose not to tell the inquiring woman. 

"Thank you so much, Madam. I'm in a hurry, and if you will allow me, I must leave." Arthur rushed home after his encounter with Rhonda to discuss the subject with his wife.

Melissa Richardson was working on her next novel, "Passion on the Boat." She wasn't sure if it was the right time for the protagonists to have sex. Isn't this a little early? Or would the readers be hoping for something to happen between them at that point? Melissa believed it was past time to end the bullshit and take action. Arthur arrived at a critical time, upsetting the peaceful environment.

"Melissa, what's with this nonsense about Mia having a boyfriend?"

Melissa turned from her laptop and murmured to her husband:

"First and foremost, goodnight, Arthur. Second, I do not find it ridiculous that our 18-year-old daughter has a boyfriend. Third, all I know is that she met a boy. I only know his name, Felix, and I'm not sure if he's her boyfriend. How did you learn about this alleged romance?"

"Melissa, don't you remember Rhonda, that damn gossipy woman?"

"Yes, I try to avoid her whenever I can."

"That woman told me today that she saw Mia with a boy, and they had to be very lovey-dovey for that woman to think they're dating. Perhaps it's that Felix guy."

"Arthur, this situation is normal. Until now, she hasn't shown any love interest, but that could change, and that's fine with me."

"I'm not sure; I'd like to know who he is."

"Arthur, we are not in the Middle Ages. She will introduce us to him if the relationship is serious. I don't see why there should be. You are concerned about everything. You appear to have forgotten what it is like to be young."

"I haven't forgotten, and that's why I worry..."

"Slow down, Arthur. Mia is a responsible girl."

"I certainly hope so."

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