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Amber was being interviewed at the police station. Rogers started by saying:

"Miss Skaff, why did you try to kill Ryan Dagon?"

Amber took a deep breath, interlocked her fingers on the table, and replied:

"I attempted to kill him because he tortured me years before. It all took place at Forestvale Manor during a ritual performed by members of the Shadow Cult. He was the leader."

Rogers recalled that at the beginning of his work with the police, two individuals had lodged complaints alleging torture by the Shadow Cult. These statements were so contradictory that the case was dismissed due to insufficient evidence. However, Amber was not one of the complainants.

"Why didn't you report it to the police at the time? Did you feel threatened, or were there other reasons for not seeking help immediately?"

"I was initially very confused and unable to comprehend what was happening to me. The substance they administered induced temporary amnesia, making me forget all that had occurred. However, it led to strange and unsettling nightmares, gradually triggering my recollection of the events. Seeking help from an old teacher, I received treatment that aided in remembering and understanding what had transpired."

Brady spoke up.

"I'm incredibly proud of you. You set an example for other women by demonstrating your ability to strive and thrive professionally."

"That was before she attempted a crime. I doubt you're proud of that, Brady," Rogers remarked.

"Certainly not. I am talking about her professional career. Regarding retribution, I disagree. Because it is motivated by revenge, correct?" asked Theolinda.

Amber offered a tired smile.

"I desired either vengeance or justice, but I'm uncertain. Take me to prison; I deserve it."

Rogers and Brady exchanged a glance. Rogers stated:

"Miss Skaf, you are being transferred to Ablington Jail to await trial, as you are considered a flight risk and a potential danger to the community."

"I agree," Amber said softly, lowering her gaze.

Rogers and Theolinda were aware they were acting justly, yet they couldn't shake the pity they felt for this woman.

"Brady, I want you to look into the allegations about the Shadow Cult that were made years ago."

"I was planning to. Ryan Dagon is hiding something horrible."

Mia awoke the following morning in her mother's room. Mia had felt little and insignificant the night before, so she plunged herself into Melissa's loving arms. Later, Melissa herself invited Mia to sleep with her as a youngster, and Mia agreed. Mia had slept well and without dreams. She rushed out of bed, drawn to the delightful smells of coffee and toast her mother was making in the kitchen. Mia decided to come downstairs when she received a message. It came from Ryan.

'How are you, Mia? I hope everything is okay with you. I want you to come to my other house, not Forestvale Manor, which is closed due to the police investigation. I would like to explain everything to you. I will see you later. '

Mia said she'd eat breakfast, shower, and dress before coming to see him.

Mia arrived at Ryan's mansion and realized she had no idea what the mansion's name was.

"Ryan, what's the name of this mansion?"

"Shadow Manor."


"It is the name given by the first inhabitants of the mansion, and I saw no reason to change it," said Ryan.

Mia thoroughly examined Ryan's chest for injuries or scars, but other than a seductive musculature, she found nothing. Ryan noticed Mia's intense scrutiny and chuckled.

"Like what you see?" he teased, causing Mia to blush. He continued, smiling softly:

"There's no issue, Mia. You need not worry."

"Who healed you, Ryan?"

"It was Terra."

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