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Rowena and Felix met in a woodland near Glouminster while she was performing a purification ceremony for one of her clients.

"Rowena, I have decided to return to my dimension. Even though it's painful, I know it's the right choice. Mia is really important to me, but so is Terra. I am conflicted. I'm hoping that once I'm there, living my life, I'll be able to express my sentiments."

"Felix, I'm sure you'll make it."

"Thank you for allowing me to learn about my true origins and to speak briefly with my biological mother."

"You are welcome. I'll arrange the ritual for opening the portal tonight."

The atmosphere at Forestvale Manor was serene. Mia and Felix stood facing each other in a poignant silence, their eyes reflecting unspoken emotions. They were aware that this might be their final moment together. Mia couldn't handle it, but she understood Felix's desire to leave. He needed to get back to his life and see if he still fit in after so many events.

Mia and Felix kissed and made love. They were both careful and passionate, taking their time exploring each other's bodies and reveling in the feeling of being near and immersed in one another. As their pleasure rose, their love and desperation took over, and the gentle touches became passionate kisses.

Their movements quickened, with Felix passionately caressing Mia's body and imitating each beautiful motion with his own. Mia let out a faint, desperate moan as she wrapped her legs around his, clinging to him like he was her only chance. Felix's hands explored every curve of Mia's body, sending shivers of pleasure through her. Mia's nails dug into his back as she held him close, wanting to feel every part of him against her. The room was filled with the sounds of their heavy breathing and the passionate whispers of their love for each other. In that moment, they were completely lost in each other, forgetting about the world outside and only focusing on the overwhelming love they shared.

The enigmatic glow that encompassed them became stronger as they neared an astounding climax, their love so strong that it threatened to tear them apart.

As the reality of their impending separation sank in, a wave of sorrow washed over them. Lying intertwined, vulnerable and tearful, Mia and Felix silently acknowledged the approaching moment of farewell. The heat of the moment, soft touches, and passionate kisses lingered in the air, yet no words could fully express how they felt. A love that was meant to last was cut short, leaving only a bittersweet reminder of what might have been.

Tabitha lay in bed, engulfed by an oppressive sense of being ensnared by the darkness that weighed heavily on her chest, suffocating her spirit. She could feel it inside—a suffocating weight that seemed to get thicker by the day. She tried to fight it, to reject the dark side's allure, but she couldn't deny the truth: Ry's relationship had heightened her dark side. She never thought herself to be so fragile. But Ry had a way of revealing her shortcomings and compelling her to seek out the darkness beneath the surface. And now she was struggling to resist the pull of his power, despite her knowledge of the danger it posed to her soul. The battle within her raged on, torn between the desire for his presence and the fear of losing herself completely. It was a constant internal struggle that threatened to consume her if she didn't find a way to break free.

She knew she had to break free and find a way out of the darkness before it completely consumed her. But every time she tried to separate herself from Ry, he dragged her back in with his seductive charm and promises of love—a twisted love, as she had discovered. She sensed herself becoming weaker and more confined with each passing time. Tabitha recognized at the end that the fight wasn't over. To break away from Ry's clutches, she'd need to muster the will to reject the darkness that threatened to consume her. However, she was temporarily stranded.

In the attic of Forestvale Manor, Felix and Rowena stood amidst mystical symbols and artifacts. Rowena meticulously prepared for the opening of the dimensional portal, a crucial and intricate ritual with profound implications. Forestvale Manor was sad. Because, as Eliza had mentioned, Forestvale Manor had a consciousness developed by the most amazing man Rowena had ever encountered. She had "fallen in love" with Frank, the strong Light Wizard, who had taught her everything she knew about magic and mediumistic skills.

Rowena completed her preparations and told Felix:

"You can get inside the circle."

Felix did it. A big circle with a glowing edge appeared before his eyes in an instant. Rowena began a powerful Latin incantation, weaving protective spells to safeguard Felix's journey through the portal, shielding him from potential dangers in the dimensional transfer.

"Goodbye, Rowena. It was a joy meeting you. Take good care of Mia." Felix spoke as he entered the portal.

"See you soon, Felix," Rowena assured.

Rowena remained deafeningly quiet as the doorway closed.

"He'll be back sooner than he thinks," Rowena firmly stated, a smile on her lips.

"He must return," stated the consciousness of Forestvale Manor.

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