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Mia sought comfort in Xena's embrace, tears streaming down her cheeks, tasting the salt of sorrow. Xena's gentle touch on Mia's back sent a comforting sensation as she lovingly stroked Mia's hair, the strands silky beneath her fingers.

"Everything's going to be fine, Mia," Xena said.

"But Felix is going for his dimension. I'm not sure how I'll manage it. I might not see him again."

Xena's heart ached at the sight of Mia's tears, unable to bear the pain in her eyes. Internally, Xena felt happy that Felix had to leave.

"Mia, you're brave. You're not by yourself. You have my full support."

After stepping back from Xena's embrace, Mia locked eyes with her.

"I understand. You're unique. I love you. Felix, on the other hand, was my first love. I know it sounds corny, but I'm depressed as if a piece of me died with his departure."

"Mia, this is not one of your mother's romantic books. This is real life, and nobody dies when their boyfriend departs. There are more important things in life, such as loving parents and a college diploma. You'll realize how much you appreciate studying psychology. So what about me? I love you with all my heart, and I don't want to see you suffer for anyone, especially for a guy."

Mia sighed heavily, her shoulders slumping under the weight of her turbulent emotions, a heaviness in her chest.

"You are correct, Xena. But now I feel like the hero from a romantic novel... I'll be fine, but I need some time."

Mia planted a gentle kiss on Xena's cheek before seeking solace in her comforting embrace. Xena held Mia close, offering silent support as she processed her emotions.

"Take all the time you need, Mia. I'll be here for you every step of the way," Xena whispered, reassuring her friend of her unwavering presence and love.

Felix went to meet Amber the following day.

"I hope I'm not bothering you, Amber."

"No way, Felix. How're you doing? Please have a seat."

Felix's muscles tensed, his jaw clenched, and he felt a knot of anxiety in his stomach, showing his inner turmoil. He didn't know where to begin.

"Amber, I am returning to my dimension. I gave it a lot of thought, and it was the best choice. I need to go back to see how I feel there and recover my authentic life. I don't know what will happen next. Perhaps I won't be able to adjust any longer and will return here. I'm baffled."

"I understand what you are saying, Felix. You know you can rely on me for anything."

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