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Xena returned home from the gym around lunchtime. She was looking forward to meeting Mia in the afternoon. She attempted to speak with her by sending her many texts but received no response.

When Xena entered the bedroom, she found a white envelope on the bed. She took it with amazement and read, 'To Xena.'

Xena sat on the bed, opened the envelope, and pulled Mia's handwritten letter out.

'Dear Xena.

I apologize. These are the first two words that came to mind when I started writing this letter.

I'm about to tell you something that will hurt you, but you should know. I did not attend the new writers' convention. I visited the Balance Dimension with Ryan. We went in pursuit of Terra to hand her up to the authorities, but she set us up. Ryan and I had sex in the Cave of the Ancestors.'

"No, no, no, no, this can't be!" Xena shouted out. She crumpled the letter in her hand, feeling a mix of anger and betrayal.

'It was all because of a magic cast inside the cave. We had no idea what was happening. I feel dreadful. You didn't deserve it. I have one more thing to tell you: I am pregnant.'

Xena crumpled the letter again. She was full of fury and suffering. Tears welled up in her eyes as she realized the extent of the betrayal.

"This is not possible. It has to be a sick joke!"

She unfolded the letter once more and resumed reading.

'I chose to have the child. I realize this is too much for you, so I'm leaving. I depart so that I don't continue to hurt you. Xena, I love you. You are very important to me. I'll always love you. Please forgive me. I wish you only the best because you deserve it.


Xena wailed on the floor. She yelled before collapsing on the ground, grasping her knees. She was crushed and beaten.

Xena dozed out on the floor and began dreaming. She found herself in a dark place. A candle appeared in her hands out of nowhere. She was walking along the corridor, with Athena in the background.

'What are you doing here, Athena? 'Where am I?'

'Xena, you're in your head. You are a powerful person. You'll recover from this betrayal.'

'I'm not sure if I can. I don't want to live,' Xena stated.

Athena grabbed her by the shoulders.

"You are stronger than you think, Xena. You have the power to overcome this pain and emerge even stronger," Athena reassured her. 'You have a lot to live for. You must fulfil your destiny.'

'I love Mia. This situation is hard for me. Because I know she...'

'She loves you too, but Ryan is her fate. I warned him, but I knew he wouldn't stop. There was just no way.'

'I am very lonely.'

'You are not alone. You have the strength and guts to aid me. Wait for your anger and pain to dissipate. And then love will return.'

Athena disappeared. Xena awoke and tried to make sense of what Athena had said. Xena inquired.

"Mia, why did you do this to me? Why? All I have ever done is love you."

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