The bonfire

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"I'm gonna go get changed'' Cassie tells the boy as the boy makes his way outside to the pool. "okay," the boy says letting go of her hand and watching his girlfriend make her way upstairs to his room.  "I thought you said smoking pot changes the way your brain processes information," Belly says walking out and noticing Conrad was smoking. "So does your cell phone" Conrad replies. "You said marijuana messes with white matter" Belly continues. "Do you even know what white matter is?" Conrad questions "You said o-our brains are still developing and that..." Belly starts but was cut off but Conrad. "God, do you memorize every single thing that I've ever said?" And the boy scoffs. "Get over yourself. I mean, you're the one who said that-that smoking's dumb and that real athletes don't put sh¡t in their bodies. " Belly says standing up for herself.

"I said a lot of stuff, and I'm not an athlete anymore, so..." Conrad tells the girl. "why did you quit anyway," Belly asks. "why is that any of your business" Conrad replies. "I'm just worried, is it because of Cassie, or," Belly says stills pushing. "Cassie didn't do shit," Conrad says fed up. "Well, I still think you should quit," Belly tells the boy. "What'll you give me if I do?" Conrad asks the girl as he takes another hit. "Nothing. I think you should quit for yourself." Belly says. "Hey, why are you considering this debutante thing?" "I don't know. I mean, it's not like I have anything else going on. "But it's not you. Don't let my mom make you her little doll just because she never had a daughter." Conrad says. "I don't mind it. I mean, sometimes I wish I was her daughter." Belly says being sincere. "you're better off with Laurel. Trust me" Conrad tells the younger girl. "Why are you acting so different?" Belly asks "I'm not." Conrad says annoyed with the girl. "I know you. I mean, something's going on. Just... just tell me." Belly says trying to get information out of Conrad.

"Belly" Conrad starts but is cut off by a door opening and out walks Jeremiah, Steven, and Cassie. "First bonfire of the summer!" Jeremiah cheers. Conrad puts the joint out and stands up walking over to his girlfriend. He wraps his arms around her waist and brings her into a kiss, but is stopped midway. "Nuh-uh," Cassie says shaking her head. Conrad smiles at the girl and drops his head into her neck.

"All right, we're taking my car. "Jeremiah informs the group but turns towards Steven to say "You're not driving." and Steven laughs. "Come on, lovebirds, we're leaving," Steven says to the couple. "you ready?" Jeremiah asks the two and Conrad nods his head as best as he could. "Can I come, too?" Belly asks breaking her silence. "Uh, no. The moms are getting everything set up for your movie night." Steven tells his sister. "See you," Steven says as he heads towards the car and the couple follows after him. "Let's go, slowpoke" Steven calls out to Jeremiah. "Have fun with the moms!" Jeremiah tells Belly before heading to his car.

"Why am I hearing from you? You never call me on the first night." Taylor, Belly's best friend says as she picks up the phone. "Um, where are you going?" Belly questions. "To a show. What's wrong?" Taylor says. "Conrad has a girlfriend, and she's at the beach house for the summer," Belly says ready to rant to her friend. "Well, what does she look like" Taylor ask the girl. "She's so pretty and sweet too," Belly says describing the girl to Taylor. "what's her name," Taylor asks. "Something like Cassie Diggs," Belly says trying to remember what Susannah said. "Belly" Taylor says in shock "What," the girl says confused.

"Conrad is dating a nepo baby," Taylor tells the girl. "her dad is Daveed Diggs" Taylor informs the girl. "How did you not notice," Taylor asked. "I don't know guess I was over blinded by my jealousy," Belly tells the girl. "Also, Tonight, Conrad and I were talking by the pool, just the two of us, and it... felt different. Good different?" Belly tells Taylor. "Is that even a good idea considering he has a girlfriend now?" Taylor says not wanting to break those two up. Considering she was stalking the girl's Instagram and saw the photos of the two. "I mean it doesn't matter, Jeremiah and Steven came down, and then they all just left and went to this thing on the beach" Belly says.

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