the cove

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Its was the day of play it forward and The couple were currently in Conrad's room."You ready" Conrad says to the girl as he brushes her hair back into a ponytail. "Im excited" Cassie says as she hands him the rubber band and he ties her hair up. "Come on, lets go eat" Conrad says as Cassie stands up and walks out of the room. "get the cream cheese out" Cassie instructs the boys and she puts a bagel into the toaster. The couple finish eating and they clean up. "Its game day baby" Conrad says as he and Cassie high fives.

"look at you guys" Susannah says walking into the kitchen. "are you guys ready" She asks. "yep" Conrad says wrapping his arm around Cassie's shoulder.

"Good afternoon

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"Good afternoon. I'm Susannah Fisher." Susannah says and some cheers can be heard. "Chair of the club's community service board, and I am delighted to welcome you to Play It Forward!" Susannah says and every cheers. "You know, as my mother used to say, if you're lucky enough to be at the beach, you're lucky enough and we are very fortunate indeed. Which is why, in the spirit of fun and friendly competition it is time to open our hearts and our wallets and give back to those who may not be as fortunate. We have teams raising money for homelessness, women's shelters, environmental causes and many more. And Play It Forward will match pledges for the winner of the tournament! Pledge tables still open, so please donate generously.And with that,I say let the games begin!" Susannah continues. "Let's get started!" A man says. "that was a long ass speech" Cassie whispers to Conrad.

The couple were knocking out team after team, until they were facing Belly and Taylor. They played until Taylor fell while trying to hit a ball. "You okay?" Belly ask as she crouches besides her. "No, I just... my ankle., I think I twisted it" Taylor says "can you walk" Belly asks. Can you sub" Taylor ask Jeremiah as he makes his way over. "Yeah" Jeremiah tells the girl.

Taylor takes off her shirt and gives it to Jeremiah. She walks over to the sideline, while Jeremiah. takes off his shirt to put the team Bely shirt on. "eyes on the prize" Conrad says to Cassie as they do some handshake before focusing on the game. The whistle blows meaning that the game has begun.

"The winning team is Cassie and Conrad" Susannah says into the microphone. The two of them hug each other as people come up to congratulating them.

"hi" Cassie says as she sits next to Conrad

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"hi" Cassie says as she sits next to Conrad. "belly apologized" Cassie tells the boy. "and how did you react" Conrad ask. "I didn't accept, if thats what you're asking" Cassie answers. "you wanna go outside" Conrad ask. "sure" Cassie says standing up and Conrad follows after her. As they walk outside, Nicole comes up to them. "what is this" Conrad ask as Nicole gives them a bag. "Belly and Taylor clothes" Nicole answers. "why do you have them" Cassie ask. "we dared them to go skinny dipping, then we left them" Nicole explains, which causes Conrad to leave to get Jeremiah.

"Why" Cassie ask "because she kissed Conrad." Nicole says as the Fisher brothers come out. Cassie looks at Nicole before walking off to the car with the brother following her. "There they are" Cassie points out to Conrad an he pulls up to them. Cassie gets out of the car and walks up to the girls. "Oh, my God, Belly, are you okay?" Jeremiah says walking up to the girls."What are you doing here?" Belly ask the three. "Nicole... she told me about, um..." Conrad says trying to find the right words to say. "I hope you told her to watch her back." Taylor tells the boy.

"heres your clothes" Cassie says handing the bag to Belly. Conrad and Jeremiah hold up the dirty tarp for the girls to put their clothes back on. They finish putting the clothes on and the boys drop the tarp. "Are you okay if I go with Jeremiah?" Belly ask her friends. Oh, my God, are you kidding me? Yes. Thousand percent yes." Taylor says.

"whose going with who" Cassie ask. "i'm going with Jer" Belly tells her. "so you are with us" Cassie says to Taylor as Conrad grabs her hand pulls her towards the car. Taylor goes to follow them.

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