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"So this is why you haven't answered any of my phone calls and texts?" Jeremiah asks  "Jere. Jere. Did you not hear what I just said? We're going to lose this house. Mom's house." Conrad says "Why would your dad sell this house?" Belly asks "He's not. Our Aunt Julia is" Conrad corrects. "Susannah's sister?" Belly questions "Half sister. Apparently, the house belonged to the both of them. And then when Mom... Now Aunt Julia owns the whole thing," Conrad explains. "Okay, we'll just call Dad and figure something out. That's it." Jeremiah says. "we already tried that," Cassie says. "He says legally the house is hers." Conrad continues. "Okay, then he'll buy it," Jeremiah says. "He doesn't have the money to buy it. Between Brown and the medical bills and the..." Conrad says trailing off. "Yeah, I know how much the medical bills cost because I was there. How long did you know about this and not tell me?" Jeremiah asks. "Jere, this was all happening so fast. I was going to tell you after I'd taken care of it." Conrad tells him.

"And this is you taking care of it? Going AWOL, ditching school, not talking to us" Jeremiah said. "fսck school! I don't care!" Conrad whines. "Connie, you have to go back or you'll fail your class," Jeremiah says to the boy. "How are you going to become a doctor if you fail out of college, Conrad?" Belly questions. "you have no idea what you're talking about." Conrad says facing the girl before turning back to Jeremiah. "Seriously? We went to Brown to check on your ass." Jeremiah says. "why would you check there" Cassie and Conrad question at the same time. "You know what? I didn't think you'd pull this shit again. But you don't give a shit about anyone but yourself." Jeremiah says and storms out of the room. "Sorry if me being here is weird." Belly says "it is," Cassie tells the girl before following after Jeremiah. "seems like she still doesn't like me," Belly says. "not really, I don't blame her," Conrad tells the girl.

"hey, Jere" Cassie says as she sits next to Jeremiah.  "you wanna talk about it," Cassie asks the younger boy. "it feels like he doesn't care about any of us, he's always keeping stuff to himself acting like, the longer he keeps it in is going to make anything better, it is just going to make things worse" Jeremiah rants. "the reason he keeps these things to himself is that he wants to protect you," Cassie says. "well I'm not a little kid anymore," Jeremiah said. "he knows that, but you're always going to be his little brother, meaning that no matter how old you are he's;s going to keep things to himself because he knows how these type of things can affect you,"  Cassie tells the boy putting her hand on top of his. "I just wish he would tell me these types of things" Jeremiah whispers and the girl brings him into a hug.


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"Morning." Belly says making her and Jeemiah's presence known to the couple.  "you want to talk about a plan B?" Jeremiah asks "That was plan B" Cassie tells him. "so then plan c," Jeremiah says. "There's no time for a plan C, Jere." Conrad says "I thought I was plan C" Cassie says. "you're plan F" Conrad says to the girl not wanting the girl to spend so much money. "There's no time? Come on, dude. Is your ego that big or is...?" Jeremiah questions but is cut off. "Aunt Julia is already here," Conrad says. "What?" Jeremiah says "Yeah, she got in yesterday. She's at Ocean Harbor." Conrad tells him.  "You saw her?" Jeremiah asks.  "I mean, we talked on the phone for about five seconds. She couldn't be bothered to come to Mom's funeral, but she'll hop on the first flight to come sell this place." Conrad rants. "I don't get it. Why? What's the big rush?" Jeremiah questions. "It doesn't matter why. This isn't a game, okay? This is serious shit. So just go back to bed and let me deal with it." Conrad tells them before walking out. "That went well," Belly says. "thanks for pointing out the obvious" Cassie says to the girl.

"You know, he keeps saying he's going to figure things out. He hasn't figured out shit." Jeremiah says taking a seat on the stool and turning to face Cassie. "Can-can you talk some sense into him? You are the only person that can get through to Conrad." Jeremiah tells Cassie. "yeah, of course," Cassie says.

"did you get what I asked for," Cassie asks as Conrad enters the house

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"did you get what I asked for," Cassie asks as Conrad enters the house. "what was I supposed to get," Conrad asks. "I asked if you can get more lotion," Cassie tells him. "I'm sorry, I didn't get it," Conrad says. "that's fine, ill get it," Cassie tells him as she fills a cup with ice. "My mom's doctors are considering putting her on new meds. Which must mean that the current ones stopped working." Conrad speaks up. "that should be a good thing right," Cassie says to him. "how," Conrad says. "it could just mean that she's getting better and she needs to have a smaller dose," Cassie tells the boy. "yeah, ur most likely right," Conrad says to the girl as they both sit on the couch. Conrad lays down, on the couch and puts his head on the girl's lap.

 Conrad lays down, on the couch and puts his head on the girl's lap

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"Hey," Cassie says as she joins Conrad in his room. "you know Jeremiah cares just as much as you do," Cassie says to the boy as she sits on his bed. "I know he does, but I don't need him to worry about it," Conrad says. "why is that,"  Cassie asks. "because it's my responsibility as his older brother to protect him," Conrad says. "the thing is he wants to know about these type of things because he might be able to help," Cassie tells him. Conrad goes to speak but is cut off and Jeremiah opens the door. "Cassie, I need you for a second," Jeremiah says. Cassie stands up and walks to the door. "ill be back" Cassie tells Conrad. "Okay," the boy says nodding.

"What's up," Cassie asks walking out of the room. "we're going to find Aunt Julia and you coming with us," Jeremiah says "Why," Cassie asks. "because you're an actress," Jeremiah says in a duh tone. "good point," Cassie says and they start to make their way to the car belly following them. Belly and Jeremiah take the front, while Cassie sits in the front. "So, Cassie" Belly speaks up. "yeah," Cassie said. "when did that happen," Belly says referring togirl'sgirls stomach.  "I would like to know too, "Jeremiah says  "Like around January,"  Cassie tells them. "and why wasn't I informed," Jeremiah asks.  "I don't know, some things just slip my mind," Cassie says "So what's our game plan with Julia, huh? Hmm. Sneak attack? Bribery? Murder?" Belly asks. "Wow. Um, I was thinking that we just play to my strengths" Jeremiah tells her.

"So charm offensive. Hence the flowers." Belly says "Exactly." Jeremiah said. "okay," Belly says "You know, I wish I had more to go on, but she and my mom weren't exactly close. I mean, the last time I saw her and Skye, I was probably, like, seven, eight years old" Jeremiah says.. "Wow, that's a long time." Belly says. "Yeah," Jeremiah says agreeing.  "You know, I remember Susannah telling me that it was her big sister who convinced her that she could be an artist."
Belly tells the boy. "Really?" Jeremiah questions before continuing. "You know, honestly, I don't remember much about her, so I'll-I'll just wing it. And knowing Conrad, he probably took the righteous anger route when he talked with her. And I'm sure that went over like gangbusters. Yeah, Conrad's never been good at putting on a happy face when he's not feeling it." Jeremiah says as they pull into the parking lot of Ocean Harbor.

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