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"how'd it go," Cassie asks the boy. "it went fine" Conrad answers as the couple starts to walk through the campus. "did you pass," Cassie asks."the boy looks over at the girl and smiles. "good cause I already found an apartment," Cassie says. "And what would happen if I didn't pass," Conrad asks taking out his phone. "then we would still be in the same apartment" Cassie answers as Conrad calls Steven. "Hey, man. How'd the final go?" Steven asks picking up the phone. "Yo. You ready to visit me in California?" Conrad says. "Hell yeah!" Steven says laughing. "Congratulations, Connie." Laurel says "It was the flashcards, wasn't it?" Steven says. "Yeah. Yeah, yes, it was the flashcards. You can thank me later." Steven says. "so, I get to decrease the guest room this time right," Steven asks. "depends" Conrad answers. "either the guest room or baby name" Conrad adds. "you know, I'm sure you guys can make the guest room look lovely," Steven says. "All right, I gotta dip," Conrad tells the boy. "Bye." Steven says and Conrad hands up the phone. "ew" Conrad whispers. The couple walks back to the car to see Jeremiah and Belly kissing. "we're going to need to burn that sweatshirt," Cassie says looking up at him. "totally" Conrad agrees. Conrad clears his throat causing them to pull away,

"Sorry for interrupting whatever this was," Cassie says rolling her finger into a circle. "Um, we should go say hi to Trusky," Conrad says "That's such a good idea," Cassie says grabbing the boy's hand and they walk away. "We should go back," Conrad says stopping, turning to face Cassie. "Why," Cassie asks. "I don't want them having sex in my car," Conrad says. "Jeremiah wouldn't he has some class," Cassie says. "I guess," Conrad says as they start to walk again. "Cass" Trusky says passing his roommate to get to Cassie. "I'm right here you know," Conrad says raising his hand. "I know," Trusky says still hugging the girl. "you would never believe what we just saw Conrad says plopping down on his bed. "what," Trusky asks pulling away from Cassie "Belly and Jeremiah having a full-blown make out sesh," Cassie asks. "Yo. Dude, I... I knew there was a vibe between those two. I'm not gonna lie, it's those eyes. Like, girls can't resist that shit. Your brother is too good-looking. Like, I mean, not to say that you're not, but... I mean, have you seen your brother's eyes? Of course, you've seen your brother's eyes, but, like, those ocean eyes, man? Dude, people write... Billie Eilish wrote a song about that, dude. Like, it's the reason why you can't stop staring" Trusky rants. "honestly didn't expect it to happen so soon" Cassie says. "I agree," Trusky says pointing to Cassie. "Trusk," Conrad says. "yeah," Trusky says. "Take whatever you want, just ship the rest to me," Conrad says standing up.

"I mean I was already going to do that but okay," Trusky says shrugging. "oh my money," Cassie says holding her hand out. "Trusky digs in his pocket and gives Cassie the twenty. "thank you," Cassie says smiling at the boy. "text me everything, don't leave anything out," Trusky says as the couple walks out of the dorm.

"So you guys ready to go or not?" Conrad says as they walk up to Jeremiah and Belly

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"So you guys ready to go or not?" Conrad says as they walk up to Jeremiah and Belly. "you guys are back" Belly says. "duh, we're driving his car" Cassie says."Uh, here, you can drive."Jeremiah says going to hand him the key. "can't, I mean unless you want to put up with Cassie then sure" Cassie says. "looks like I'm driving" Jeremiah says as the group gets into the car. "can I get that sweatshirt"Cassie asks causing Belly and Jeremiah to look at each other confused. "um yeah" Belly says taking off the sweatshirt. Conrad grabs the sweatshirt and throws it into the trunk. Cassie brings out her hand sanitizer and gives him some. "so how was it" Cassie asks breaking the awkward silence. "why do you want to know" Belly asks. "because it's so silent" Cassie answers. "I now get 20 dollars so thank you," Cassie says smiling at the girl. "you guys were betting on us" Jeremiah questions. "no," Cassie says. "more like Trusky and Cassie were betting on you" Conrad adds.

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