Aunt julia problem

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"Conrad, man, what's going on? What happened?" Steven asks walking closer to the boy. "is it a panic attack" Cassie questions. "yea, im fine, ill be fine" Conrad tells both of them. "I'm going to go get Jere." Steven says turning around, but Cassie stops him shaking her head. "No. Don't get Jere. It's... I just need a second." Conrad tells him.  Cassie walks up to the boy she sits down and pulls the boy with her. "Is there anything I can do?" Steven asks. "I don't know, man. Just talk. Okay? Just talk about anything." Conrad says. "Um, talk, right. Um... Um...The first time you guys brought me here to surf, man, I was so freaked out. You and Jere had just come back from some fancy surfing camp and you knew all these cool tricks. I felt like such a little kid. But you stayed and paddled with me till we caught a wave together. I thought you were the coolest person in the world." Steven tells him.

"I guess you were wrong about that one." Conrad says turning to face the boy. "No. You're still the coolest." Steven tells him.  "You have these a lot?" Steven then questions. "Yeah. More since my mom died. im glad you guys are here"  Conrad says as Steven joins them on the sand. "So, you want to tell me what got you all worked up?Or just be bros and pretend this never happened?" Steven asks. "Found out I got into Stanford." Conrad tells them. "What? Are you serious?" "Yeah, man. My mom had this fantasy about me finding myself on the West Coast." Conrad says.

"Wait, wait, wait, Connie, this is a good thing, man. No, you've been dreaming about Stanford since you were ten years old." Steven says "this is amazing Con" Cassie says agreeing with Steven. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know... but things are just starting to get better with Jere, and he's going to Finch in the fall, which is close to Brown, so it just doesn't make sense to transfer anymore..." Conrad tells him.

"Hey, dude, dude, dude, you don't have to decide this second or anything, okay? Just talk to Jere." Steven says. "He doesn't even know I applied, man." Conrad says. "conrad this is something you've been dreaming for, since forever. Jeremiah should understand" Cassie says linking their hands together. "Please don't tell him. "I...I mean, Stanford's not even an Ivy.
So fuck 'em, right?" Steven says. "Let's go." Conrad says standing up and helping Cassie up. They start to walk back the the Beach house steven following behind them.

"why didn't you tell me" Cassie asks the boy. "i don't want you to worry" Conrad answers. "Conrad i'm suppose to worry about you" Cassie tells the boy. "It can cause stress for the baby" Conrad says. "Me trying to help you with your panic attacks wont cause me to stress" Cassie says.

"hey guys" Cassie says smiling as she walks into the kitchen, but that smile is quickly wiped off her face

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"hey guys" Cassie says smiling as she walks into the kitchen, but that smile is quickly wiped off her face. "didn't expect to wake up to this" Cassie says. "maybe i'm still asleep" Cassie mumbles to herself before rubbing her eyes. "so this isn't a figment of my imagination"  Cassie says. "real life sweetheart"  Jeremiah says rubbing the girl's back. "well, i'm hungry. Do you guys wanna get something to eat" Cassie asks the group. "actually you can have a muffin if you want" Julia tells the girl.

"there's not something in this right?" Cassie questions "of course not" Julia says handing the girl a muffin. "she can have one, but I cant" Belly says in disbelif. "well she's pregnant" Julia says. "wow" Belly says "so, um how are you doing since your mom" Skye ask the fisher brothers.  "It's been rough." Jeremiah tells them. "Rougher now that our aunt's stealing our house." Conrad speaks up. "I'm not stealing anything, Conrad. Like it or not, I get to choose what happens to this house and I choose to put it on the market." Aunt julia says taking a pause before continuing as she makes her way towards the trash. "You boys should get on the road. beat the traffic back to Boston."  "There's no chance. We're staying for the open house." Conrad tells her.

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