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"Well, I may not have much to compare the kiss to as of yet, but, uh, consider me Team Cam Cameron," Skye says as everyone walks out of the house. "Duly noted," Belly says laughing. "The kids have gotten close," Laurel says. "Yeah, Skye's really blossomed here," Julia says. "I'm sure the boys would love it if you both visit often. You wouldn't have to worry about me. I'd steer clear." Laurel says. "Oh, no, no, no. I need your help keeping them in line. They're so impossible. Stubborn as Susannah could be." Julia says causing Laurel to laugh. "Through and through," Laurel says. "All right, don't look too happy. You're not getting rid of me forever. Your wicked Aunt Julia is still just a phone call away." Aunt Julia says joining the group of teens.

"Thank you for everything," Conrad says to his aunt. "I'm glad it worked out." Aunt Julia said "We should get going, too," Laurel says. "Oh. Uh, a-actually, I was wondering can-can you stay for, like, one more night? Come on. We have to help Con study for his final. It's tomorrow." Jeremiah says. "Dude, you know I'm 18, right? Like, I don't need my mom's permission to..." Steven says and Laurel makes a noise. Hmm? I need my mom's permission to study." Steven says after receiving a look from Laurel. "Laurel, please. They're not gonna let me transfer to Stanford if I don't pass this." Conrad says. "You better do more than just pass," Laurel tells the boy. "Yes, ma'am," Conrad says. "You really got in?" Belly asks. "Yeah," Conrad answers. "Does this mean I have to sleep on a sleeping bag tonight?" Laurel questions.

"Oh, we've got the motel room for one more night. You want it?" Aunt Julia asks. "Oh, heck yes. Thank you." Laurel says "Perfect." Julia says walking to her car. "Oh, Skye, parting gift." Conrad says giving Skye the two plates he was holding. "Thank you, Conrad, my dear sir," Skye says taking the plates. "My pleasure," Conrad says as they walk away. "You got this kiddo," Dvaeed asks ruffling his daughter's hair. "yeah," Cassie says. "The studying part might be a little hard though" Emmy teases. "I know how to study," Cassie says. "just not properly" She then adds. "We'll see you later," Daveed says turning on the car. "bye. love you" Cassie says as Emmy and Daveed get into the car. "Love you too," They say at the same time.

"All right. Come on. It's time to start studying, you lazy bums." Belly says as she and Cassie walk into the kitchen. "No, I'm too tired to study. I need a power nap" Conrad says. "Okay, I'm tired too, but it's-it's already afternoon. I mean, we have to work all night and leave really early tomorrow. " Belly says "Who invited her again?" Steven asks taking a bite out of a piece of bacon. "work best under pressure." Conrad tells him. "Please, Belly? Just one hour?" Jeremiah asks. "Fine. One hour, and that is it." Belly agrees. "You're an angel." Jeremiah says and Belly laughs."Go before I change my mind." Belly says.

"Okay," Jeremiah says walking out and Steven goes to follow but is stopped by his sister. "Not you," Belly says. "Oh, come on." Steven groans. "I need your help. Let's go. Come on!" Belly says dragging the boy.

"Yes! Mickey D's cheeseburgers?" Jeremiah says looking at the food on the count

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"Yes! Mickey D's cheeseburgers?" Jeremiah says looking at the food on the count. "No, no, no. No." Belly says slapping his ends away. "These are a crucial part of the reward system," Belly tells him. "Well, why does he get to have one?" Jeremiah asks. "All right, okay, this is how it's gonna work. Conrad studies, he gets a burger." Belly explains. "What about me?" Jeremiah questions. "Conrad studies, you get a burger," Belly says as Cassie walks into the kitchen. "The brothers turn to look at her to see a box of pizza in her hand. "you guys aren't getting any, so I don't know why you are staring at me." Cassie says and Jeremiah says before walking over to sit "It's a reward system, huh?" Conrad says looking towards Cassie. "that;s what she said" Cassie answers him. "What else do I get?" Conrad asks walking closer to the girl. "what do you want," Cassie asks. "we are here to study, people," Belly says clapping her hands together. "So, let's see. I have a practice test." Belly says handing it to Contad. "Thank you. Seriously. Thank you." Conrad tells her.

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