Big day

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"It's ur big day" Susannah says as she is helping the girl with her hair. "Are you excited" Emmy ask as she comes over to the two girls. "Of course" Cassie replies as she hands Susannah a rubber band. "So Conrad going to college how's that gonna work out" Philipa ask "we're just gonna live together in a apartment off campus" Cassie answers. "What happened to "I don't wanna move away from my parents just yet" Nicole says mocking the girls words. "Plans have changed" Cassie tells the girl as Emmy takes over the girls hair, to focus on the curl part. "Are guys coming back to cousins for the summer" Nicole asks. "Pretty sure we are" Cassie says.

"It's almost time" Jasmine announces. "Are you nervous" Renèe ask. "A little" Cassie says. "Don't worry about it" Susannah says walking over to the girl and wrapping her arms around the girls waist. "This boy has been in love with you forever, i remember when he would always ask about you and would rant about how beautiful you, how you have a nice smile, your hair, and so many things. That boy is completely obsessed with you" Susannah continues as the girls sway back and forth. "We're gonna go" Philipa says to the two girls. "Ur gonna do great" Nicole says giving the girls shoulder a squeeze before following Philipa out, the rest of the girls also following.

A couple minutes after the girls walk out, Daveed walks in. "You ready" He says as he holds his arm out to the girl. Susannah goes to the girls right and hooks their arms together. The three of them walk out and music starts to play. Oak walks down the isle throwing the flowers in the basket given to him out. They make their to Conrad. The two of the them let go of the girl and walk to their seats as Cassie turns to face the boy. "Welcome friends and family. You may now be seated. We are gathered today for the wedding of Conrad fisher and Cassie Diggs, Soon to be Cassie Fisher. These two have know each other for the longest. Some people have been dreaming for this day to come. and I'm sure they are glad to finally see that dream come true. Conrad and Cassie have been with each through of the moments either they are bad, sad or good things." The wedding officiant says before continuing "These two lovely people have prepared vows for each other. You may mow start" the wedding officiant say to Conrad.

"I promise to love you for who you are, and for who you are yet to become. I promise to be patient and to remember that all things between us are rooted in love. I promise to nurture your dreams and help you reach them. I promise to share my whole heart with you and to remember to show you how deeply I care for you, no matter the challenges that may come our way. I promise to love you loyally and fiercely—as long as I shall live. Do you remember the very first day that we met? I knew the very first moment I saw you. I knew we were meant to be together for all of our days. You have become my lover, my companion, and my best friend. There's no one else I'd want to build a life with. I get to have you by my side, my love and my wife, for eternity.." Conrad says to the girl causing the girl to smile at him.

"Cassie" The wedding officiant says turning to the girl letting her know it's her turn. "I love you with my whole heart with a passion that can't be expressed in words, only in kisses, glances, and years of adventure by your side.I promise to be your honest, faithful, and loving wife for the rest of my days. I pledge to honor you, love you, and cherish you as my husband today and every day. Today I say, "I do" but to me that means, "I will." I will take your hand and stand by your side in the good and the bad. I dedicate myself to your happiness, success, and smile. I will love you forever" Cassie says to the boy. "Now Cassie Diggs do you take Conrad Fisher to be your husband. Do you promise to love, honor, cherish, and protect him, forsaking all others, and holding only unto him forevermore?" The wedding officiant says addressing to the girl.

"I do" Cassie says "Conrad fisher do you take Cassie Diggs to be Your wife. Do you promise to love, honor, cherish, and protect her, forsaking all others, and holding only unto her forevermore?" The wedding officiant says to the boy. "I do" the boy also says. "Conrad and Cassie will now exchange rings as a symbol of love and commitment to each other. Rings are a precious metal; they are also made precious by you wearing them. Your wedding rings are special; they enhance who you are. They mark the beginning of your long journey together. Your wedding ring is a circle a symbol of love never ending. It is the seal of the vows you have just taken to love each other without end." The wedding officiants says as They are both given the ring for each other.

"Conrad please place the ring on Cassie's left hand and repeat after me" The wedding officiant tells the boy and he does exactly that before The wedding officiant starts to say something and Conrad repeats after him. The wedding officiant turns to Cassie does the same thing repeating the same words. "To make your relationship work will take love. Continue to date each other. Take time to show each other that your love and marriage grows stronger with time. It will take trust to know that in your hearts, you truly want what is best for each other. It will take dedication to stay open to one another and to learn and grow together. It will take loyalty to go forward together, without knowing exactly what the future brings. And it will take commitment to hold true to the journey you have both pledged today." The wedding officiant says before continuing.

"And now by the power vested in me, it is my honor and delight to declare you married. Go forth and live each day to the fullest. To this this declaration, you may now kiss the bride." Conrad and Cassie lean forward towards each other and their lips connect. They pull away after a few seconds and smile at each other as the area around them starts to fill up with the sounds of claps from the crowd. " I love you" Conrad whispers to the girl as the rest their forehead together. "I love you too" Cassie replies back. Always and forever" Cassie adds. "Always and forever" Conrad repeats back to his now wife.

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